(Last) Chapter 14: Sacfrice Myself For You...

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Suzie's team then started to split up and do what they were told to do...Suzie started using her seeds to plant the heal flowers. She planted each potted plant, water them, and she went to the next one while Peter was doing the row all the way aside Suzie. Just then they finished Suzie and Peter looked at each other and walked into the crowd of Plants to try to kill the zombies.

"Suzie...." Peter asked.

Suzie replied, "Huh? What's on your mind?"

Suzie didn't even pay attention to Peter while he was talking to her. She took 5 or 4 seconds to look at him, Just then... A zombie threw a rock at Suzie grunted while she fell slowly with her arms forward...

"Suzie!" Her friends yelled.

They all ran to her with full speed.. except Maria... Maria just stared at them all...

"How important is Suzie to them??" Asked Maria...

Peter caught Suzie in his pea pods, while Noah was holding Suzie's flower head... Suzie groaned as she tried to wake her self up..

Norianna looked at the zombies and she stared at them all... there was not hundreds the crowd of zombies were getting little by little.. Nori smiled. She used her 3rd second hold... Suzie let it out and she killed halve of the zombies. One of the sunflowers were Pearl..... and Elijah!!

Norianna smiled, "PEARL!! ELIJAH!!!"

Norianna flew at them quickly, Pearl started crying happy tears while Elijah did too..

"Norianna! I missed you!" Pearl yelled.

Elijah smiled. "Norianna...."

"ELIJAH!" Norianna exclaimed, she was crying with happy tears too...

"I missed you all..." Norianna sniffled.

"How's Noah doing?" Asked Pearl.

"He's doing good... guess what!" Norianna said.

"what?" Replied Pearl.

"Noah is my boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

Pearl smiled so did Elijah, "Congrats!"

Norianna waved goodbye at them, "I'll show you a new friend of mines! Bye for now!"

Pearl started smiling, "A new friend!"

Norianna started shooting the zombies and Noah and Peter try to find a way to help Suzie... Suzie was panting..

"Lets take her to the heal flowers!" Yelled Noah..

They both took Suzie there.. Soon enough, Suzie was okay..

"T-thanks guys..." She replied.

Suzie walked and she started shooting again but she wasn't flying.. A zombie with a gun was getting ready to shoot Suzie... Suzie covered her eyes.

Peter looked at Suzie quickly and he ran with speed at Suzie... She can't die on him...

"I would sacfrice myself for you Suzie..." He whispered.

He stood Infront of the gun and Suzie started to cry when she saw him...

He was saving her...

"Peter!" Suzie yelled, Tears burst out of her face. and she saw the green plant blood leaking from Peter. He looked at Suzie slowly... and he closed his eyes.. Suzie started to cry...

"Peter... Please... don't leave me..." Suzie uttered.

Peter was gone... Something had to work...

But there was nothing... to save him

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