Chp 8

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Chp 8

They don't know why water was pouring from their eyes, they don't even know why they hugged Aizawa back but they know they don't want to stop, don't want this strange, unfamiliar but really nice warmth to go away.

Is this what their cats feel when they hug them? Is that why every time he sits or lies down they scramble to find perch on them?

If so it's no wonder they do it, it's truly an unforgettable warm experience that they never want to stop feeling now that they know it exists.

They think it strange, given that they're not human so shouldn't find such human activities enjoyable, at least they think they shouldn't but since their cats enjoy it then maybe Quirks can too.

Unfortunately their hug, their warmth is gone all to soon, they don't want to let go, wants to cling on but he doesn't resist Aizawa pulling away to sit next to them, for some reason glad that Aizawa doesn't seem keen to let go of holding their hand, seemingly intent to keep giving them some type of warmth, just now a candle flame to the previous bonfire that engulfed them.

They don't know why they are glad, just that they are.

They can't help but flinch when the rough pad of a thumb brushes their cheek, disrupting their thoughts by wiping away the tears still for some unknown reason pouring from their eyes.

Moving their eyes to stare at Aizawa they tilt their head confused at the unfamiliar expression on his face, one they have never seen on the usually stoic man, at the small but soft, gentle... but for some reason sad smile they direct at them.

They know it's a sad one, cause they have seen their host sport such a smile every time their with them and they look in the mirror, feeling the sadness they carry but... they don't know why Aizawa is sad.

For some reason they just know Aizawa isn't sad for his own self like Izuku is... but sad for them?

Why would Aizawa be sad for them? They're not hurt... maybe because they are crying? They don't know why tears are falling but they're not hurt, they just won't stop... but seeing Aizawa's expression for some reason just makes even more fill their eyes and pour down their cheeks.

Makes their chest fill with a tightness they can't seem to release, that causes their throat to clog with what they think is a sob that just refuses to pour from their lips.

They don't know why they are crying, why the feeling refuses to slip past their lips as easily as it does from their host, they can't stop it, don't know how to so they just continue to cry.

Silently and helplessly as confusion fills their mind.

Unable to even look away from Aizawa's kind eyes and soft, sad smile.

They are convinced that they must be being watched even if the room they are in doesn't hold a one way mirror, simply because the moment they manage to stop crying the door opens and a detective comes in with a kind, gentle smile.

They find it strange, usually in tv shows they watch or heard from their patients the detectives are either stone cold or aggressive unless they are dealing with children, and sometimes even then they act that way.

They don't think they are a child though, they are a Quirk who just looks like a child, since in essence they are just their hosts shadow come alive.... They think so anyway, given they always enter or exit their host from their shadow.

"Hello Shadow Healer, I'm detective Tsukauchi and I'll be the one questioning you on your possible involvement in the villain attack on UA, before we being I must tell you that I am under law to tell you my Quirk, I call it Lie detector, meaning I can tell if you are lying or not" the detective informs after setting up what looks like some kind of voice recorder.

They don't understand why they would bother setting it up if they are being watched already with some kind of camera, but they don't bother thinking deeper into it, seems to bothersome.

Though they are curious about their quirk since they don't know the quirks limits, since will it even work on them? Or doos the Quirk only world on other humans?

A curious thought, given they have never bothered wondering how another quirk would work on them, especially since no human has so far managed to land a hit on them in the few that bothered trying too, since most humans they meet tend to only look at themselves positively for some unknown reason.

Feeling the hand in their own squeeze slightly they snap out of their thoughts and looks at Aizawa, who just sighs before answering their unasked question.

"The deceive asked you a question kid"

Blinking at that, they turn back to the detective who just smiles, after sharing some sort of look, a silent conversation with Aizawa they can't comprehend.

Don't bother trying to either.

"I'll ask again then, can you state your name for the record please? Ah and I mean your real name, not your vigilante monika" the detective asks.

Tilting their head in thought, wondering wether they should bother answering or not, they eventually figure they might as well try talking, they don't know if they can but since they can hum and sound is produced then in theory they figure they can talk.


"...don't...." oh so they can talk, it's a scratchy, rough but mellow sounding voice, each word coming after a brief pause from the unfamiliarity of the action, all most likely from lack of use but it is good to know they can in fact talk.

While bothersome, it should prove useful eventually, they don't count now in that equation, since they don't see the usefulness in talking at the moment.

They will though, if only because Aizawa keeps bringing them from their thoughts, since they keep giving warmth they've never known and they can sense... somehow that he wants them to answer the detectives questions.

How bothersome.

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