Chp 14

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Chp 14

They have officially decided that humans are the single most strange intelligent species in the multiverse, and given they know many, unquestionably strange, near incomprehensible intelligent life forms (that is if they based it on human standards) that's... saying a lot.

Of course, their complete lack of understanding of most anything to do with emotions, motivations and other such human nuances make their threshold in deciding such things decidedly low, given they only really know what someone is truly feeling based on a combination of either direct expression, things that they know humans can easily hide or conceal and from reading their shadows, something which nothing in this multiverse can hide from them.

Though they don't normally tend to do that, except for in the case of their favoured, because for some reason they feel compelled to know in regards to what they are feeling, at least to an extent... for to read somethings... someone's shadow they must feel them, must experience what they feel in its entirety, such as when they rest within their hosts body just without the context of why they are feeling what they are because shadows are never separate, shadows are not individuals like humans, shadows are always one.

Something that would only confuse them greatly as they are currently, as they are in this form an individual, context is vital, to feel any number of other emotions not their own even with such context, such as when with their host, when they can hear his thoughts, it is confusing, because based on their infinite knowledge and limited understanding it is unnatural for two separate individuals to feel others emotions without filter except in use of specific spells, such as in worlds of magic.

Or in specific quirks, a parasite like them, not that they are saying it in a negative connotation such as how some humans do to others, they are just simply stating what they are, they are a quirk, quirks are not natural, it's a parasitic invasive species.

Though all that isn't just why it is confusing,they would no doubt be confused with or without such things, since humans or any intelligent life form for that matter where emotions are the dominant factor.... are confusing, they simply cannot understand such things, are seemingly completely incapable of it though they are trying, for they are tired of not understanding, bothersome as it is, tired of hurting others, especially their favoured when they don't mean to... but it is a... difficult process to say the least.

Not helped by these bothersome things in front of them, if only because they are slightly wondering if they should honestly still bother, despite a multitude of reasons of them knowing why they should.

"You know I never thought shadows were dumb, I mean black whip is quasi-essentially made of shadows and are really cool, but dumb is not something I expected to ever say about my quirk" one of the ghosts says, annoying them, since they are not dumb, just decidedly not socially aware.

Honestly what do shadows need for social interaction when they are a singular entity, when they are all for one and one for all in every literal sense.

"Don't be cruel, they are trying to understand humans, we can't exactly blame them, at least not fully for their lack of understanding, for acting so cruel when they just wanted to help" another ghost says and they, while nicer doesn't exactly thrill them either.

For some reason they cannot comprehend, the ghosts in their hosts other quirk decided to accompany them for the day, after apparently having been watching them from their separate space.

Which is only slightly strange, because they didn't know they were, though it isn't exactly hard to figure out why, ghosts in quirks don't have shadows, and they cannot see or know about something if their shadows cannot reach them.

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