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"When do your exams start?" My dad asked me.

"You always bring up this subject when I'm eating." I replied back, "but yes they do."

"When else should I ask?" Dad questioned as he sat down on the opposite side of me. "I don't know, maybe when I'm not eating." I replied back and took a bit of my toast.

"Don't stress about it Ha-rin, doesn't matter if you get good grades or not."

"Don't give up on me, I'll pass."

"I'm not giving up on you, I'm just not one of those parents who wants good grades from their kids just to make them proud." He looked up and smiled at me. "You're already doing great in life. Good grades aren't important but staying safe and healthy is."

The doorbell suddenly rang through the apartment and I stood up quickly putting the last bit of toast in my mouth and placing my dishes in the sink. "It's Hyunjin, I have to go." I explained to dad. 

He smiled. "Right on time, as usual." He said and leaned back in his chair.

"Bye dad, I'll talk to you tonight." I said as I was hopping around to get my shoe on.

"I'm on call, so I won't be home tonight."

"Ok, well I'll call you." I said as I swung my bag on my shoulders and walked out.

Hyunjin was waiting at my front door for me and I greeted him with a small smile. He stuck out his fist and I rolled my eyes and held out my fist. 

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We yelled in unison. I held out rock and he held out paper. He yelled in victory as I rolled my eyes and tried to sneak away from him. I got to the other side of the apartment before he realized I had left him. "I am honestly gonna kill you Ha-rin." He said and ran after me. 

I sprinted to the elevators and pressed the down buttons multiple times before the doors opened. I stepped in and they closed as soon as Hyunjin got to them. I smiled in triumph and started to play my game on my phone for the ride down.

The doors opened again and there was Hyunjin, hands on his knees panting for breath. "Hang on, gotta catch my breath." He huffed and stood up straight and took his bag off his shoulders and handed it to me. "Play fair Kiddo, take this."

"Quit with that nickname." I muttered and snatched his bag from him.

"No, you're younger than me so I can call you that."

"Only by eight months."

"Whatever, we need to go, we're running late." He said, checking the time on his phone and started to run. "Hyunjin! Wait!" I called after him and running behind him with my school bag on my shoulders and his school bag in my hands.

When I saw the school in sight, I sped up since there were guards at the gate. If you showed up late, you get a detention. I wasn't really planning for a date with them today. Or any other day.

Hyunjin was already through the gate and I was about to make it before I was stopped by a thick stick. "That's it, times up." Said the guard as he handed me a clipboard. I glared up at Hyunjin and drop kicked his bag towards him. He gave me a smug look, picked up his bag and walked towards the school building as I wrote down my name.



I was walking to my class when I spotted Lee Know in front of me. I quickly pulled my ponytail out and brushed my fingers through my hair and caught up to him. "Lee Know." I greeted. He turned around and knotted his eyebrows. "What?" He asked.

"Come to the rooftop at lunch?" I asked him.

He looked down and chuckled lightly. "Sorry, I don't fight no more."

"No, I don't want to fight."

"Then what is it?"

I hesitated for a little bit then shook my head. "Forget it, I'll see you later." I said to him and walked past up the stairs to the classroom.

Once I entered, I saw Hyunjin with his little gang of friends and I glared at him while he just smirked at me as I walked to my desk next to Ji-a.

"Ji-a, I don't know what to do." I groaned as I lowered my head to the desk and closed my eyes. She smirked and turned her whole body to face me. "Why? What did you do this time?" She said excitedly.

I sighed and sat back up. "I'll tell you later." I said softly and watched the front of the classroom. 

The door at the back of the classroom opened and Lee Know walked through and he took his place in the back corner of the classroom.

"Hey! Get off my desk!" Screeched an annoying voice which made me jump. June Thompson marched over to Hyunjin and his group of friends and the guy who was sitting on the desk jumped off. "Sorry, jeez." He said.

"Get away, you're so dirty." She pulled a disgusted face and made sure to stay far away from him. I'm not usually someone to dislike anyone, but June changes my mind every time.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, what did I do to you that was so wrong?" The guy said. Hyunjin started tapping him on the shoulder and knowing Hyunjin's emotion on his face, he's trying to stop a fight that's about to happen.

"You're so gross, piss off away from me." She said and then sat down in her chair.

"Alright, settle down guys." Our teacher Mrs Lee said as she walked into the classroom and she stood behind her desk. "Ok, time to hand in your phones." She announced as she pulled up a case and opened it. Everyone groaned and got up to  put their phones in the box. I got up slowly and placed it into a a pocket in the case and walked back to my seat.

Once everyone had sat down, Mrs Lee took out her phone and then looked up. Someone's notification went off, making everyone else laugh.

"You should've put it on silent." Jeogin said, laughing at his friend who shamelessly walked up to the front to put his phone in the case.

"Last call guys, put your phones up." Mrs Lee said and more people started to stand up to put them away. "Have any of you got in touch with Hadlee?" She asked as soon as everyone sat down. 

I glanced at Ji-a who shrugged.

"No, why?" Someone questioned.

"She didn't make it home last night."

"We were cleaning the lab yesterday after school, that's the last time I was talking to her." Another guy said and Mrs Lee nodded.

"Well if anyone does hear from her, please notify me." She said and then looked down at her desk before she turned to the blackboard.

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