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Hyunjin was right beside me and I turned to look at him and he sighed. "They're just checking to se if any of us are zombies." He explained to me and I nodded.

"These two have hypothermia, the rest is fine." A guard said and put a blanket of the top of I.N and Clarity and we all stood up and a harness was sent down. "Who's getting on first?" The other guard asked.

"What do you mean who's going on first? Can't we all go up at the same time?" Lee Know asked and the guard shook his head.

"Only one at a time."

"Clara, you go." I said and nodded her to go forwards. She stepped forward to the harness and the guard helped her clip on and she went up. 

Hyunjin gripped my hand and moved to the front of everyone. "Are you the only survivors?" The other guard asked and Hyunjin shrugged.

"We don't know." He answered, "There probably are others."

"There are some people with us down there, I'm sure if they see anyone, they'll bring them up."

Hyunjin nodded, but never lets go of my hand.

Just then, gunshots were fired, making me jump and cover my ears and squeeze my eyes shut. "Are you alright?" Hyunjin asked, gripping my arm gently since I took my hand out of his.

"I'm fine." I reply and take my hands down from my ears.

"Are they going to kill all the zombies before taking us?" Han asked.

"I think they're looking for something." I told him, "they were heading down to the science lab."

Clara was halfway up until one of guards yelled up to the pilot. "Cancel the operation! We're just taking the computer!"

My eyes widen and so did everyone else's. "Excuse me?" I exclaimed and walked towards him, but he held his gun out and immediately, Hyunjin pulled me back. "What the hell do you mean you're just taking the computer?"

Clara started coming back down, away from the helicopter and I could hear her crying.

"What are you doing? What is happening?" Bangchan asked, coming forwards. Th guard unhooked Clara and pushed her towards us and Seungmin caught her before she stood up right. "Take us with you, we don't want to be here anymore!" He yelled.

Just then, the guard shot his gun into the air, making me cover my ears again and squat down. 

"Stand back!" The guard yelled. "Stand back or I'll shoot."

"Please." Hyunjin spoke calmly, "rescue us."

The guard stared at him before slowly shaking his head. "I'm sorry." He said as he started hooking himself to the harness. "There's nothing I can do." He told us before he was lifted back into the helicopter. 

Hyunjin hugged my close to him as I started crying. Our only hope of rescue is gone. Our only of rescue that we trusted left without us.

"They abandoned us." Felix said quietly, tears falling down his cheeks. Bangchan held out his arm for him for a hug and he cried into his shoulder.

Hyunjin broke away from me and ran over to the edge and screamed in frustration. I just watched him as he also started crying and then slowly started to walk towards him and wrapped my arms around him


Just a few hours later, the fire went out and none of us could sleep at this moment. Thunder boomed in the distance and lightning flashed across the night sky and at that moment, it started pouring down rain.

"It's raining." Seugmin whispered and got up from his spot to go out into the rain and looked up and opened his mouth. Everyone else started to follow him out to manage to catch raindrops on their tongue for hydration. But Clarity and I.N had their ears covered next to each other. I got up and walked over to them, ripping the bottom of my jumper into four pieces and giving it to them. "This should help you." I told them and they took it and poked it into their ears.

"Hey." Han said suddenly, "you know how zombies follow if they hear us?"

Everyone nodded.

"Maybe if we move with the thunder, they won't hear us." He said, "we need to go, I don't think anyone else is coming to save us."

"You're right." Lee Know said and walked over to us. "If we make it down to the auditorium, take the back door in there to the tennis courts and then cut through the construction site behind the school, we can make it to the mountains."

"And if we make it to the mountains, there's a small town an hour walk away." I spoke up, "I went hiking with my dad there a few times."

"It's suicide." Clara said.

"It's the only way to get out." Hyunjin told her.

"What if the zombies do get us, huh?"

"We're the only ones who can save us, no one is coming anymore."

Thunder rumbled again, making everyone look up at the sky. "We need to move now." Chan said. "If anything goes wrong, I'll scream and lead the zombies away, that way none of you will get hurt."

"Chan, don't say that, it's going to be fine." I told him, "the rain is really loud too."

"I think some of us might not be able to keep up with the pace." Han said.

"Let's pair up them, that way no one will fall behind." Felix said and placed a hand on Bangchan's shoulder.

"Stay close with me." I heard I.N tell Clarity as they stood up and into the rain.

Hyunjin approached me and took my hand. "Survive tonight, we'll talk about us later." He said. I sighed and nodded in agreement.

Once everyone had paired up, we all made our way towards the door. I swallowed nervously as Lee Know opened the door and it squeaked loudly.

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