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We continued to sit around the fire in silence, not knowing what the time, but dark enough to let us know that it's late.

I stared into the blazing fire that was the only light we had until Clarity spoke up. "This is nice." She said softly, as she tucked her knees up against her chest. "I've never really had a group of friends before."

"I thought you just kind of hated us." Clara said, "because we were lower than your level I guess."

Clarity chuckled slightly. "I never hated you, I just... kind of built a wall."

"I kind of hated you though, because I was always second behind you."

Clarity looked up at Clara as she said this and Clara shrugged. "But it's ok now, I've learnt to accept it... almost."

"I can't even get to 20th." Han mumbled, earning a swack from Seungmin. "Ow!" He groaned, rubbing his bicep.

"Don't compare yourself to them you doofus." Seungmin hissed at him and Han pouted. "I was just saying." He muttered and turned back to the fire.

It went quiet again and everyone was in their own world.

"My parents were thinking to send me and Jeremy back to America after senior year." Clara told us quietly, swallowing the lump in her throat at the mention of her twin. "But, I think I might go back by myself. Save money, see my old friends, buy an apartment like Jeremy and I have been talking about."

"We'll come visit you." I told her and she chuckled.

"No." She said. "No need."

"Anyway, moving on." Han said, clearing his throat, "Hyunjin, what's been happening with you? Any love life sparking up? Do you like anyone?"

"What about you?" Lee Know asked.

Han smirked and leaned back on his hands. "No, I don't chase after girls." He said.

"Yeah, he chases after the guys." Seungmin whispered, laughing along with his comment.

"Do not!" Han yelled and smacked him in the stomach.

"I do like someone." Hyunjin spoke up. This is news to me. He's never mentioned a girl to me. We've never talked about anyone. Well, anyone that he likes.

"Do you really?" I asked him and he nodded. "Stop stalling the question and tell me who it is."

"It's no one, don't worry about it." He said and looked down at his lap.

"Now you've said it, you've got to tell me. Do I know her?"

"Don't worry about it, Ha-rin."

"Who is it?"

"Oh my god, it's you!" He shouted and I froze.

I swallowed nervously and chuckled. "Stop messing around and tell me who it is."

"I'm not messing around."

"We've been friends since we were younger, that's all."

"Ever since I was ten, I've liked you Ha-rin, and I'll always will." He said gently. I swallowed back tears and stared at him to see any sign to tell me if he was or not. And he wasn't. I felt a tear trickle down my face and I quickly wiped it away as I got up. "Fucking awesome." I whispered under my breath and walked over to the edge and leaned against the ledge and stared at the city below us.

"Did you know? I had no clue." I heard Han whisper.

"Everyone knew, you're the only one who didn't." Changbin whispered back

"Everyone? Why didn't I know?"

"Because you're you."

"Hyunjin, go and talk to her." Bangchan told him.

It took a full minute until I heard someone approach behind me. "Ha-rin, I'm sorry." Hyunjin said quietly, "I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it." He ranted on, I still didn't say anything to him. "You're all I think about, and I always need to know if you're safe, if anything happened to you I don't know what I would do, I would never forgive myself."

"Hyunjin, please, just stop." I sighed, not daring to look at him just yet. He was still next to me, I could hear him breathing. "Ha-rin, I am so sorry."

I finally turned to look at him. "You're an asshole. I lost Ji-a, and now you're gone too." I cried, "Hyunjin, you were my best friend, what else do you want from me?"

"You don't have to like me back, and that's fine."

"No it's not fine because everything is all fucked up now." I shouted and buried my face in my hands and sniffed. "I just want to alone right now."


"Hyunjin, please." I said sternly. He sighed and then walked away.

I let a sob escape from my lips and fell to the ground, leaning against the ledge on the edge of the roof.

I was just about to catch my breath and stand back up, until someone wrapped their arms around me tightly so I didn't escape and it was hard for me to breath.

I gasped and turned around quickly to see Duri right in my face. I writhed around to get out of his grip, but it was no use for me. "No! Hyunjin!" I screamed before he covered my mouth.

"Ha-rin!" Hyunjin yelled before he sprinted over to me.

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