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I opened my eyes, well tried to open one eye, but failed from a small stinging pain and somehow glued together.

I panted as I sat up from the table I was lying on and saw I was surrounded by zombies. Am I dead? Did I die?

"Hey." I called to the zombies. They snarled and growled as they came over to the sound of my voice, but ignored me like I wasn't there at all. Like I was a ghost. "Aren't you gonna kill me motherfuckers?" I yelled once again. They moaned and groaned as they looked around, trying to find my voice. But they gave up and went back in their own world.

I smiled to myself, knowing I can't die, don't care how I'm still alive and got up off the table and walked out of the library.

I strutted down the corridors, passing every zombie who didn't pay attention to me. 

I looked out the window and saw my reflection. My eye was glued shut with dried up blood and it was all puffy and red. It hurts when I try to open it, so I just kept it closed. "I'm gonna kill him." I hissed under my breath and kept on walking and then stopped in my tacks. 

"Hyunjin!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, making every zombie on the floor writhe and roar.



We all sat in silence as Clara and Jeremy sat in the corner hugging each other and crying silently. Jeremy was whispering words such as "It's ok" or "we still have each other" which made me feel really bad for them. I'm lucky enough to just have my father.

"Ha-rin, when is your father coming?" Seungmin asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know if he's even coming anymore." I answered truthfully.

Suddenly, Clarity went into the recording room and everyone groaned. "Clarity, can't you smell that?" Han said as he got up and moved away from the door.

I studied on what Clarity was doing as she played with the microphone and followed her into the room, trying to ignore the smell. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Mrs Lee used the microphone didn't she?" She said and turned it on. A loud screeching noise from the microphone rang through the speaker, making everyone cover their ears. "And zombies are attracted to sound. So what if we use the right side of the school speakers and go up the left side stairs to get Hyunjin and up to the roof?"

I stared at her and then dragged her out of the room catching everyone's attention. "Clarity has an idea." I announced and everyone except Jeremy and Clara got up to listen to her. She repeated her plan what she told me and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Ok, but what are you going to use for music?" Changbin asked and Clarity looked at the pile of CDs on the ground and pointed to them. "We'll use one of them." She said, "hopefully that has something on it to last a while."

"Ok, last question, why the roof?" Han asked.

"Because helicopters keep on flying over this school, they'll surely see us if we're on top of the building." Clarity replied before she walked over to the pile of CDs and picked one up.

The rest of us moved into the music room and Han looked around at us. "Anyone wanna say something?" He asked.

"You can." Bangchan said.

Han stuttered. "I-I don't know..."

"Move over." Felix said and Han quickly got out of the chair and Felix took his spot. "Hyunjin?" He said into the microphone, "it's Felix, stay where you are, we're coming to get you. I know what you're saying right now, don't come you're gonna die, but we are coming weather you like it or not."

"Hyunjin." I said in the mic and I sighed, "please stay put. I know you never listen to me, but please listen just this once." I said, "we have a plan but it will only work if you just stay in there."

I turned to mic off and we all walked out of the room where Clarity was waiting for us Lee Know nodded at her and she placed the CD in and put the right side speakers on full volume. But nothing happened. No one could hear anything.

Then Candy Pop by TWICE started playing through the speaker.

Changbin and Han snorted at the music choice and Bangchan went over to open the door slightly. "It's working." He whispered. "I'll keep an eye out and I'll let you know when we can leave."

We waited a little while longer before Bangchan opened the door a bit further and motioned us to quietly follow him and we did.

We tip-toed away from the recording room, trying not make a sound until Clara's pen fell out of her ear and we froze.

We glanced behind us to see one zombie staring at us. He growled and ran straight towards us.

"Run!" Seungmin yelled and we sprinted towards the stairs with a crowd of zombies following behind us. Jeremy stayed behind, kicking any that got too close and ran up after us.

"Jeremy!" Clara yelled. I glanced behind me to see Jeremy fallen over and trying to fight the zombies off but failed. He screamed in agony as one zombie bit into his neck. Clara screamed and tried to run over to him but I.N grabbed her waist and pulled her along with her. She screamed and cried as she tried to get out of I.N's grip.

"Let me go!" She cried. "Let me save him! We can save him!"

We tried to ignore her, but I couldn't. What she was saying through her sobs was heartbreaking.

Felix suddenly fell back to take over Jeremy's work as we made it up the the next floor where Hyunjin would be. 

Clarity followed him down as well until I heard her scream. She was on top of someone else who didn't look like a zombie, but didn't look like a human either. 

Her and Felix worked together to push him out the window and he gripped her hand and ran up to us and entered the music room.

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