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I glanced at her and surely enough, her nose was bleeding. She wiped it and glanced down at her hand which had blood all over it. 

I didn't back away from her when she looked at me with fear in her eyes. I couldn't bring myself to get myself away from her. I gripped her hand and turned to the others. "No." I said, "she's fine." 

"Ha-rin." She whispered.

I stood up and pulled her with me. 

"Ha-rin, there's a bite mark on her ankle." Han said, pointing down to her leg and my eyes followed and sure enough, there was blood pouring out of her stocking. I looked back up at Ji-a and held her hands tightly. "No, you're fine." I told her but she shook her head.

"I should've just stayed in the room with Coach Yu." She said, her voice shaking in fear.

"Don't say that, you aren't going to change."

"I am, stop denying it."

"Ha-rin, let her go." Lee Know said, trying to pull me off her, but I wiggled out of his grip. "Stop it!" I cried, "She's fine, nothing is going to happen to her."

"Ha-rin-." Bangchan started but I cut him off.

"Shut up!" I was suddenly pulled away harshly away from Ji-a by Han. I struggled to get out of his grip but then I saw the reason why he pulled me away. Ji-a fell to the floor and started writhing around. Her bones crunching as she moves around on the floor. Snarling and growling, she stood back up and looked straight at me. Han pulled me out of the way and Ji-a slammed against the wall.

She ran to the other side of the room towards Clara and Seungmin, but they dodged her, and she fell through the window. "Ji-a!" I screamed and ran to the window to pull her back up.

"Ha-rin! No!" Hyunjin called after me and raced after me to let go of her, but I couldn't. "Ji-a, hold on." I sobbed.

"Ha-rin, you've got to let her go, you can't save her." Hyunjin told me calmly.

"No, she isn't gone." I cried as I struggled to put her back up, but Hyunjin was releasing my fingers from her wrist. 

My fingers lost their grip and she fell. I tried to catch her again, but she was down to far. "Ji-a!" I cried as I watched her fall. I sobbed loudly as her body hit the ground, but then she got up and ran like nothing happened. 

That's it.

My best friend is gone.

I cried as I leaned over the windowsill and stared out onto the school grounds.

"We gotta go, we can't stay here any longer." Jamie said as he glanced out the door. 

"There's no way out." Clara said, walking over to him and peering out of the window, "the hallway is full of zombies."

Hyunjin walked over to them and nodded out to the hallway. "We'll take that fire hose and use it as a rope to climb down the window." He explained.

Feedback from the speakers rang through the school, making a terrible screeching noise making us block our ears. I turned away from the window, still crying silently and looked up at the speaker like everyone else.

"Teachers and students of Seoul High School, I'm Mrs Lee, the history teacher. Something strange is going on. Students are attacking one another, so please, any survivors get somewhere safe, hide somewhere safe until help comes and if you can, please evacuate this school." Mrs Lee said over the speaker.

"If she's in the broadcasting room then it should be safe." Seungmin said, "isn't it two floors down?"

"Han quickly grab the hose." Jeremy instructed and Han looked offended.

"Excuse me, but I am not risking my life for a stretch to get a stupid hose." Han said, placing his hands on his hips.

"You don't need to open it all the way, just a few inches for your arm to fit through." Rhys said.

"I'm still not doing it." Han said, "why did you volunteer my first anyway?"

"Because out of all of us, you have the longest arm." Jeremy said, walking up to him.

"Well get the person with the second longest arm."

"Fuck it I'll do it." I.N said and walked over to the door and slowly and carefully open the door a little bit then laid on the ground and reached for the fire hose. His shoulders touched the door frame as he stretched further to get the hose. 

I moved away from the window, not bearing to look out, and walked over to I.N who got the hose and pulled it through the door and closed it quickly.

Hyunjin and I made loops out of it to put our feet through to help us climb and threw it out of the window. "Alright, who's gonna go first?" Hyunjin asked.

"I'll go." Bangchan said and walked over to us. Hyunjin and I helped him out of the window and held his hand as he put his foot through the loop and started to climb down.

I gripped onto the hose so it didn't slip off and Bangchan didn't go tumbling down.

We waited until we got a signal that he was in the broadcasting room with a wiggle of the hose and we all sighed with relief. "Ha-rin, you go, I'll hold the hose." Hyunjin said. I climbed out the window before I heard a big bang on the door.

"There's more coming, we've gotta move." Changbin said.

It was hard to catch my breath from fright, but I swung a leg out, gripping onto the hose as I put my foot through the loop and climbed down slowly and carefully.

The room below us was full of zombies and they were all banging on the glass, desperate to get to me. Tears continued to fall down my cheeks as I climbed down to Bangchan who was waiting for me on the floor below that. He held out his arms to grab onto me, making sure I didn't fall back and helped me into the room where Mrs Lee was waiting.

A few minutes later, everyone else came down but we were all waiting for Hyunjin. I ran over to the open window and looked up. He was just sitting there looking behind him. He had the hose gripped in his left hand and he was making a lot of noise. 

"Hyunjin! Hurry up!" I yelled to him.

It seemed like he was counting and when he got to the last number, he slipped down the hose and onto the ledge against the wall a few feet away from the room. I held my hand out to him for him to grab onto and helped him into the room. I glanced up again to see zombies hanging out the window from the room we just came from. That's what he was waiting for. He was waiting them to fall out of the window. Just like Ji-a did.

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