Federal agents

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Zoey and Ben watched TV until Zoey heard a noise. She quickly jumped up and looked around.

"What was that?" She asked.

"What was what?"

"That noise. You didn't here it?"

"No, it could've been the TV"


Zoey relaxed and continued to watch TV. Zoey heard another noise and stood up.

"I definitely heard something" Zoey said as she walked to the window.

"I didn't hear anyt-"

Suddenly there was a gunshot.

"Okay, I heard that" Ben said as he walked to the window.

The two heard another gunshot but this one was louder. Zoey pulled out her gun and Ben looked at her.

"You have a gun. Where did you get  a gun?"

"I'll explain later. Go get Kam"

Just then, Kamran walked into the room.

"Zoey, what's going on?"

"I don't know. Just seat on the couch"

Kam nodded her head and sat on the couch. A knock was at the door and they all looked at each other. Ben looked at Zoey and she gave a small nod. He opened the door slowly and saw a man wearing a ski-mask. The man punched Ben and pushed him to the ground and jumped in. Kamran hid behind the sofa and rang 911 and then Sam and quietly told them what was happening. While she was getting help, Zoey was fighting the attacker.

"A little help" Zoey said as she struggled.

Ben picked up a lamp and hit the attacker in the head. He fell to the ground and Zoey took of his mask. She took a picture of him and sent it to Kensi, Deeks, Callen and Sam.

"Why didn't you shoot him?" Ben asked.

Zoey said nothing and saw Kamran walking over to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked Kamran.

"Yeah. I called 911 and my dad"

"Okay. Good girl"

Zoey looked at Ben and he looked confused.

"I have a lot of questions" Ben said.

"Go ahead"

"Okay. Where did you get a gun? Why do you have a gun? Why didn't you shoot him? Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"I got a gun from my parents for protection. I didn't shoot him because then we won't get any answers and the cops will start wondering why I have a gun and who gave it me. My family thought me to fight"

Ben saw a cut on her forehead and walked over to her and gave her small kiss on the head. They heard sirens so the three walked outside. The cops ran over and they told them what happened. Ben saw Kensi, Deeks and the others arrive but the cops wouldn't let them by. They showed them their badges and the cops let them by. They ran over to Zoey, Ben and Kamran. Kamran hugged Sam and Michelle and Zoey hugged Kensi and Deeks.

"What happened?"

"We were watching TV, we heard two gun shots and then there was a knock at the door and we opened it and that is when he attacked us. Ben hit him in the head with a lamp and he was unconscious" Zoey said.

"Kensi, Deeks, bring Zoey and Ben to the boatshed. Eric and Nell get what you can on this guy. Sam and I will go to the hospital and talk to this guy"

They all nodded their head.

"I'll stay here with Kam" Michelle said

"I'll stay here with Michelle." Joelle said.

They said goodbye and they got into their cars. Ben was sitting in the car and looked very confused.

"Who are you guys?" Ben asked Kensi and Deeks.

Kensi and Deeks looked at each other and sighed.

"We're federal agents" Kensi said.


"NCIS" Deeks said.

"What's that?"

"The navy" Zoey said.

"Where are we going?"

"A place where you will be safe" Kensi said.

They arrived at the boatshed and walked in. Zoey and Ben sat on the couch and Kensi and Deeks sat in front of them. 

"You don't look like the feds that are on the TV"

"What do they look like?"

"Suits and stuff"

"Well I was never one for suits" Deeks said.

Everyone looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"You're wearing a suit" Zoey said.

"True but I uh-"

Suddenly, Nell came on the screen.

"Oh hey, look, it's Nell" Deeks smiled.

Everyone walked over to the screen and Nell started talking.

"The guy at the house is Dave Freed. DEA have been following him and his leader called Ghost for months"

"Ghost?" Deeks asked.

"Yeah, people have been calling him that for years and all records of him are called Ghost"

"You said his leader, does that mean there are more of them?" Zoey asked. 

"There was but then something happened and they all left. There are only three left, Freed, Ghost and another guy"

"DEA have been following this guy, so does that mean.." Kensi said before she was interrupted by Nell.

"Yeah, sorry Kens"

"What does that mean?" Zoey asked.

"Talia del Campo"

"She'll be here in the morning" Nell said.

Kensi sighed.

"Alright, thanks Nell. Let us know if you have anything else."

Nell nodded her head and she ended the call.

"Ben, I'll call your mom and tell her that you fell asleep at our house and you can stay the night. We can stay here tonight" Kensi said as she pulled out her phone.

Ben nodded his head and sat on the couch next to Zoey. A few hours later, Zoey and Ben fell asleep. Zoey's head was on Ben's chest and Kensi covered them with a blanket. Deeks was staring at them.

"Deeks.." Kensi whispered.


"You're staring at them"

"I don't like it"

"I know"

Kensi sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Get some sleep" Deeks whispered into her ear.

"You too"

"I will, soon"

"I love you"

"I love you too, fern"

Kensi and Deeks kissed and Kensi rested her head on his shoulder. Kensi fell asleep and Deeks soon after.

THANKS FOR READING. I have been getting comments saying that Ben should be bad. What do you think? PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WANT BEN TO BE GOOD OR BAD. I will choose from the comments. If there are more goods than bad, I will make him good but if there are more bads, I will make him bad.

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