Pink bracelet

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Deeks slept and dreamt about Zoey when she was 5.


' Deeks and Zoey were at home while Kensi was at the store. Deeks was in the Kitchen and Zoey was in her room. Deeks was making dinner and Zoey ran into the kitchen with her hands behind her back.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy"

"Yes, baby girl"

"I made you something"

Deeks turned around and kneelt down to her level.

"Did you?"

"Yeah. But it's a secret and you can't tell anyone. Promise?"

"I promise"

Zoey showed her hands and handed Deeks a pink bracelet. 

"Thanks Zoe"

"Do you like it?"

"I love it and I'm going to wear it everyday"


"Forever and ever"

Deeks put it on and even though it was too big, he still wore it everyday.'

End of flashback.

"Deeks.. Wake up" Kensi whispered.

Deeks woke up and looked around.

"What?" Deeks asked.

"We're being called into ops"

"What time is it?"

"After 5"

"In the morning? They should know by now that I don't function until 9 or after"

Kensi walked over to Zoey and quietly woke her.

"Zoey" Kensi whispered.

"Hmm" She replied.

"We have to go to ops. We will be back soon"

Zoey said nothing and simply nodded her head and fell back asleep.

"Do you like waking people?" Deeks asked.

Kensi gave him a dirty look and walked out. Deeks looked down at his wrist and looked at the pink bracelet the Zoey gave him 11 years ago. He looked at Zoey and then walked out. They drove to ops and got out. They walked into ops and Eric, Nell, Callen and Sam were waiting on them.

"What did you get?" Kensi asked.

"We talked to Freed and he want's revenge" Callen said.

"Revenge? Why?"

"His leader, Ghost, got sent to prison because of us"

"So he attacked Sam's house because he thought he was in there" Kensi said.


"How did he get your address?" Kensi asked.

"He has all of our addresses except Hetty and Granger"

"Safe houses?" Kensi asked, wondering if she would have to stay in a safe house.


"We are still having no luck finding out who this ghost guy is and the other guy"

"Keep trying. See if there is anyone who got out of prison in the last six months that we arrested." Callen said.

Callen and Sam walked out and were followed by Kensi and Deeks.

"Deeks..." Sam said, noticing that he hasn't said a thing.


"You good?"

"Why do we always have to get up so early? I mean,  know we have to do it for the job but cant be just get a day off and sleep. You know what? I'm going to talk to Hetty about having a day off"

"Oh, Mr Deeks, if you like you can have all the days you want off" Hetty said as she surprisingly came up to them.


"Yes, but don't expect to come back"

"Uh-" Deeks said but was interrupted by Kensi.

"He's good" Kensi said as she patted her husbands chest.

"Now, Mr and Mrs Deeks, please go to the boatshed. DEA agent Del Campo is on her way"

Kensi and Deeks walked out and went back to the boatshed. Kensi and Deeks got out of the car and saw a car parking. They saw Talia get out of the car and she gave a big smile to Deeks and ignored Kensi. She walked over to them and hugged Deeks.

"Hi partner, how are you?"

"I haven't been your partner in years, in like 20 years"

"True but maybe we can hook up again some time"

"Yeah, no, I don't think that will happen"

"Do you have anything on the case?" Kensi said.

"Let's go inside" Talia smirked.

They walked inside. Talia was about to speak but saw Zoey and Ben sleeping on the couch.

"Who are they?"

"Our daughter Zoey and her boyfriend Ben"

"Daughter. Right, I forget that your married. How old is Zoey?"


"How old is Ben?"

"Nearly 17"

"Do you approve of this, daddy Deeks?"

"Yeah, they are good kids. What do you have on the case?"

"Changing the subject" Talia smiled.

"DEA have been following these guys for a few months, something happened and they all left"

"We have Freed, do you know who the other guys are?"

"We only have sketches of them from witnesses. They avoid all cameras"

Talia showed them two sketches.

"So, do you have any leads?"

"They want revenge"

"Was any of them recently released from prison?" Deeks asked.

"No, why?"

"We arrested someone and now they want revenge"

"Well they are feeding you lies because none of them have been caught"

Kensi and Deeks looked at each other.

"I'll call Callen and Sam" Kensi said.

Kensi walked away, leaving Talia and Deeks alone.

"Are you happy?" Talia asked.

"Yeah, I am"

"You're not like him"


"Your father, I know about him"

"I did a bit of research"


"I wanted to find out more about you"

Deeks sighed and pushed up his sleeves, showing the pink bracelet.

"Did Zoey give you that?"

Deeks didn't answer and watched Kensi walk back to them.

"Callen and Sam are heading back to the hospital"



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