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A few hours later, Talia left and Zoey and Ben woke up. Zoey and Ben sat up and Kensi and Deeks were looking at the witness pictures. Zoey and Ben walked over and looked at Kensi and Deeks.

"What are these?" Zoey asked as she looked at the pictures.

"Witness sketches of the other two members"

Kensi handed the two sketches to Zoey. Zoey looked at the pictures and saw a familiar face.


"Hmm" Ben said as he looked at the sketch.

"Is that..?"


Zoey and Ben looked at each other.

"Who is it?"

"Mr Blake, he's a history teacher"

"Are you sure?"


"History teacher by day, drug dealer by night" Deeks said.

"How do you know he is a drug dealer?" Ben asked.

"DEA are investigating"

"I'll call the guys" Kensi said.

"I'll call Eric and Ne-"

Suddenly Eric  came on the plasma.

"Woah, how did you .... never mind" Deeks said.

"Freed just died in the hospital"

"What? How?"

"He was poisoned, the doctors think someone got to him last night"

"There wasn't a cop outside the door?"

"There was but whoever poisoned him, disguised himself as a doctor, made an ID and slipped passed the guard"

"We think we found one of the guys"

"Eric, get what you can on Mr Blake, he's a history teacher in my school"

"Alright, Uh, James Blake, history teacher for the past three years, seems completely normal until .. 7 years ago. It's like he was only born."

"Can you find out who it really is?" Zoey asked.

"Already have facial rec running"

"James Blake, also known as Richard Hale"

"Deeks and I will look around his office and class tomorrow"

"We'll do it" Zoey said.

"What?" Kensi and Deeks said at the same time.

"Me and Ben will go to his office and class and look around. We will be there anyway"

"No" Kensi and Deeks said at the same time.

"If you go, you could get caught but if we go, we can say we are looking for him or something"


"Mom" Zoey moaned.

"I'm gonna go" Eric said.

"Thanks Eric"

*The next day*

Ben picked up Zoey and drove to school.

"Have you got any clothes?" Zoey asked.

"Maybe in my gym bag, in the back.... Why?"

"My parents sprayed a tracker on my clothes"


"Yeah, they hugged me and sprayed it on my back and then sprayed it on my jeans when I was eating my breakfast"

"Really? Your parents are so cool. Wait, why?"

"So they know if I break into Mr Blake's class and office"

"But since you are looking for clothes, I'm assuming you're going to go in"

"We are going in"

"What? I'm not getting caught"

"Come on, Please, for me"

"Fine" Ben sighed.

Zoey sighed and kissed Ben's cheek. They arrived at school and Zoey and Ben walked to Zoey's locker.

"So when are we going into Blake's room"

"Go during class, we will be less likely to get caught .. meet me here after class and bring the gym bag"


"Don't be late" Zoey said.

"I won't" Ben said.

Ben walked away and Zoey went to class. After class, Zoey walked to her locker and saw Ben waiting at her locker with his gym bag.

"Wait here, I'm going to change" Zoey said as she walked to the bathroom to change.

Zoey changed into Ben's gym clothes, a red t-shirt and grey sweatpants. She walked back to Ben.

"You look good" Ben smiled.

"They are massive" Zoey said as she opened her locker.

"Give  me your phone"


"So they can't track our phones"

Ben handed Zoey his phone, she put them in her locker as well as the gym bag. They walked to his classroom. Zoey tried to open the door but it was locked.

"It's locked" Zoey said as took two bobby pins out of her hair and picked the lock.

"How did you do that? You know what, never mind"

Zoey opened the door and walked in, followed by Ben.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Ben asked.

"Anything suspicious"  

Zoey and Ben started looking around until the door started to open. They stood beside each other and watched the door open and saw ...


Zoey DeeksWhere stories live. Discover now