Chapter One

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It was the start of college for Tara, Y/N graduated one year ago from college and Sam is currently working two jobs to keep Tara afloat meanwhile she also lost the love of her life.

Tara is waking up after a long night of being out late, it was a usual thing for her, Sam knows about it but decides to ignore it. Tara walks out of her room to see Sam sleeping on the couch.

Tara: Hey Sam, I'm going to my classes.

Sam mumbles something in her sleep and Tara takes off to college. Sam woke up to the door slamming shut and calms down when she realizes that Tara went to college. Sam got up and goes into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

Sam opened the door after hearing a knock and saw Y/N, Danny had left after the whole incident in the theater. Sam hugged Y/N and realized Y/N smelled like alcohol.

Sam: Party hard last night?

Y/N: Yes I did. Did you hear anything from Danny?

Sam: No, he up and left and I'm assuming he blocked my number.

Y/N: Anything I can do to help?

Sam: Tell me how last night went, any cute people from last night?

Y/N: There is this one girl, she was adorable.

Sam: Did you catch her name?

Y/N: No. I hope Danny can come back soon for your sake.

Sam: Remember the rules, no going anywhere near my sister.

Y/N: Don't even know what she looks like.

Sam: There's pictures all around the apartment of her.

Y/N: I don't look at walls.

Sam: Then look at nightstands.

Y/N: Why did Danny leave?

Sam: Couldn't handle the fact my dead father was also a serial killer.

Y/N: I thought you told him that in the beginning of your relationship.

Sam: Tara should be bringing Chad and Mindy over.

Y/N: When will she come back?

Sam: In a few hours so watch some tv, I have to finish making myself breakfast.

Y/N nods and Sam walks into the kitchen. After a few hours, Sam is all snuggled up to Y/N (in a friend way btw) and Tara opens the door. Tara's eyes go wide as she realizes that's the same girl that has been flirting with her at the party. Hopefully Sam doesn't find out, is the first thing she thinks of as she sees Sam snuggled up to the mystery woman.

Chad: Yo who's the hot chick.

Y/N: Hot chick has a name.

Chad: What's your name?

Y/N: It's Y/N and yours?

Chad: Chad, this is Mindy and this is Tara.

Y/N and Tara lock eyes and Tara announces that she'll be in her room. Tara walks over to her room and Sam wakes up.

Chad: Hey Sammy.

Sam: You guys are home early.

Mindy: Ended the class early.

Sam: I'm assuming you guys have talked to Y/N?

Chad: Yeah we just did our introductions.

It Was All About Love Tara (Tara X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now