Chapter Three

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Tara was getting ready to go to the movies with Sam and the rest of her friends. No one knew if Y/N would be coming with because she hasn't replied just yet. That was until Tara saw Y/N standing behind her in a mirror.

Y/N: Would you like help with that button up?

Tara: I can dress myself.

Y/N: I was just trying to help, I'm sorry.

Tara: You disappeared.

Y/N: I left my phone here, there was no chance of me responding to anyone.

Tara: Where was it then?

Y/N: Underneath the bed Tara.

Tara calmed down a bit, Y/N closed the door and Tara quickly hugged Y/N.

Tara: I was a little worried.

Y/N: I can see that, I wouldn't disappear on you.

Tara: With mine and Sam's luck you'd think otherwise.

Y/N and Tara laughed a bit. Tara opened her door and Y/N walked out first. Y/N went into the living room and Tara followed after.

Mindy: Surprise!!!

Tara: Is it someone's birthday?

Y/N: It's your birthday Tara.

Mindy: How could you forget?

Tara: I guess I have other things on my mind.

Chad: You guys ready for tonight?

Tara: Of course.

Sam, Chad and Mindy all left the apartment first, Y/N kissed Tara's forehead and gave her bracelet. Tara smiled and they walked out of the apartment and met up with everyone.

Sam: Where should we eat everyone?

Y/N: Probably someplace that you don't choose.

Mindy: Yeah Sam kind of sucks at choosing places to eat.

Y/N: You don't have to tell me twice.

Tara and Y/N sat together in the very back of the car.  Chad and Mindy sat in front of them. Danny and Sam took the front. Danny started to drive and everyone but Tara and Y/N were fighting about where to go.

Y/N took Tara's hand in hers and Tara smiled, everyone turned around and looked at them. Tara stopped smiling pretty quickly and Y/N didn't let go of her hand and just hid their hands away from everyone.

Mindy: Where do you guys want to go?

Y/N: Turn right up here.

Danny: Okay, where else?

Y/N: You'll turn left in the next 3 miles.

Danny: And then?

Y/N: It'll be on the right hand side.

Mindy: What's the name of it?

Y/N: It's like a buffet, it'll keep everyone from arguing and you can eat all your favorite foods or you can request it.

Tara: That's pretty smart.

Y/N: I know.

Everyone agrees with Y/N's food choice, once they make it there, Y/N let's Tara's hand go. Everyone walks inside and the get a big booth for all of them. Tara and Y/N sitting across from each other. Mindy and Sam. Then Danny and Chad.

It Was All About Love Tara (Tara X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now