Chapter 15

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Y/N was still asleep, Tara had woken up and gotten up. She had decided to get up early and take a shower. Y/N was asleep during the whole entire shower. After Tara got ready for her day, Y/N had woken up.

Tara: Good morning sleepy head.

Y/N: You seem like you're going out today.

Tara: We all are, and you can come to if you'd like.

Y/N: Where at exactly?

Tara: Disney.

Y/N: With what money?

Tara: Our own, I bought you your own Disney thing by the way so even if you didn't want to go you'd have to go. We'll be spending like 4 days there.

Y/N: That's not that much time to explore Disney though.

Tara: Which is why we got all the fast vip lines.

Y/N: Okay so we're staying at Disney?

Tara: Yep, we got one huge room.

Y/N: Do I need to pay anyone back?

Tara: No, I covered everything so it's fine.

Y/N: How can I pay you back?

Tara: You could pay off my college tuitions.

Y/N: Okay, and we'll be even?

Tara: Pretty much.

Y/N got up and put some clothes on. Tara and Y/N joined the group in the living room. Y/N took care of hers and Tara's old tea cups from last night.

Y/N: Sorry about the mess guys.

Sam: Don't apologize, we know you guys got a little distracted with your talk.

Chad: Disney time?

Tara: Disney time is the best time.

Mindy: I don't really even know about Disney.

Y/N: Because you're a horror movie fanatic.

Mindy: That's very true. You know me so well.

Y/N: All thanks to Sam.

Danny: So what do we need to pack?

Sam: Clothes hunny.

Danny: Anything in particular?

Sam: No, just anything should be fine.

Mindy: I'm so nervous but excited.

Tara: You'll enjoy it Mindy.

Chad: Oh my gosh, I just caught this amazing ass Pokèmon. Y'all wanna check it out?

Mindy: How about we go pack Chad and the. you can show everyone.

Chad: Alright, I'm done. Let's do it.

Chad, Mindy and Danny all went back to packing. Tara sat down my Sam and Y/N sat in a chair.

Sam: So how was the talk?

Y/N: Fine, we figured everything out

Tara: Yep, everything is good between us.

Sam: Are you guys official?

Y/N: Yeah and thank you for your advice Sam. It really helped a lot.

Tara: Advice?

Y/N: Yeah before you guys left for the mov-

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