Chapter Four

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Tara headed to class, Mindy and Chad met up with her.

Chad: So Tara you want to come over, Mindy and I are throwing a party.

Tara: Yeah of course, I'll be there. Want me to bring Sam or no?

Chad: Nope just bring yourself.

Tara: Alright, I really got to get to class. See you guys later.

Mindy: Meet us at the cafeteria later.

Tara: I will.

Tara went to class while Mindy and Chad gave each other high fives for finally bringing their friend out to join the party.

It was now officially party time, Tara was currently getting ready for it. Y/N walked into her room and closed the door. Sam was in the kitchen making food.

Y/N: You're going out?

Tara: Mindy and Chad invited me to a party, I'll be fine.

Y/N: No drinking.

Tara: Chad and Mindy will keep me safe.

Y/N: If you have any trouble then call me.

Tara turned around to face Y/N and walked up to her. She wrapped her arm around Y/N's neck and gave her a quick peck.

Tara: I'll be fine.

Y/N: I know you will, come home safely.

Tara: I will.

Tara smiled and backed away. Tara walked out of the room and Y/N joined Sam in the kitchen to help with cooking food.

Tara: I'm leaving to go to Chad and Mindy's house.

Sam: Okay, be safe and have fun. No boys.

Tara: Got it mom.

Tara and Sam laughed and Y/N just smiled. After they were done cooking and Tara had left the apartment, Sam turned around and looked at Y/N.

Sam: Tara is growing up so fast.

Y/N: I thought she was a troubled kid to you.

Sam: She is, but only when she wants to be. Plus she once told me that I have to let her go and let her adventure out.

Y/N: What would you do if she came home crying?

Sam: I'd comfort her and make sure she knows she's not alone.

Y/N: And then what?

Sam: I'd probably protect her a little more.

Y/N: She seems like she can protect herself.

Sam: She can, but it's better to have someone be with you to fight with you and have your back then being alone.

Y/N: I can understand that.

Sam: You aren't allowed to date her tho.

Y/N: I'm not much of a dater anyway. I like being alone.

Sam: You sure?

Y/N: It helps to make sure I don't get stabbed in the back.

Sam: Oh really?

Y/N: Yeah why?

Sam: Can you please just stay away from Tara.

Y/N: I haven't done anything.

It Was All About Love Tara (Tara X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now