Chapter Nine

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Author's Note: Hey everyone, it's been a minute. I've been busy and I just wanna say i'm sorry for not updating another chapter to this story. This chapter is where they will probably finish off the franchise but I'll still continue the storyline for all of you who are still reading along. I'm sure you guys want Y/N and Tara to get together. I'm working on it right now, I just like writing drama a bit into every story I make. Anyways I'm sure you guys are ready to continue this story. I'll let you guys get to reading now.

Few Days Later

Everyone was sitting near the destination. Chad, Mindy, Sam, Tara and Kirby are all there while Danny is still healing from those wounds. If one of them were to text Danny then that means he'd have to call the ambulance and police to their destination right away.

They knew every hiding area and were waiting for the ghostface to pop out. Tara and Sam were in the middle of the room while everyone else was spaced out with weapons to ambush ghostface. Only issue is that the ghostface knew their plan from watching their moves but he was still out numbered so he knew he couldn't win.

Tara: So this is it?

Sam: Hopefully this is the last of this whole stupid franchise.

Tara: Then we can go back to our lives.

Sam: Yep and you get to continue dating Chad.

Tara: Yep.

Sam: Are you not happy?

Tara: I am happy.

Sam: Then act like it.

Tara: We're in a middle of a life crisis.

Sam: Well when we get outta here, I want you to be happy.

Tara: I will be when this is all over.

Sam: Good.

Sam and Tara smiled at each other. The ghostface stabbed Tara in the back and Kirby shot the ghostface in the leg. Sam kicked the ghostface's face and kicked the knife away from everyone. Chad kicked the knife up.

Chad: Welcome to hell mother fucker

Ghostface: You guys have no idea what you're up against.

Chad: Yes we do.

Ghostface: No you don't, I was just the distraction. This guy came up to me and told me to dress as this and go to this destination to distract you guys. I swear.

Sam: Why should we trust you?

Everyone heard Kirby screaming, everyone ran over to her and Sam grabbed the gun. She pointed it at the guy who was still on the ground.

Sam: Where is he?

Guy: I don't know but I don't want any harm, get me out of this thing.

Chad helped the guy out of it, then Kirby crawls up to everyone. The guy walks up to her and put pressure on her wounds. Chad puts pressure on Tara's wound. Now it was only Sam who can stop this once and for all.

Sam: Come on mother fucker, come out here and face me.

There was no sound of anything.

Sam: Come out here and face me!

Ghostface: What makes you think I'm not out there with you right now?

Sam: You're hiding in the shadows

Ghostface: And you aren't? You're so close to becoming your father.

Sam: No i'm not.

Ghostface: Then why would you kill a whole family bloodline? Wouldn't it have been easier to hide and call the cops?

It Was All About Love Tara (Tara X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now