Chapter 19

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It was the morning, everyone was officially awake and ready for the day. Soon everyone but Y/N will be making their way back home. They hung out and ate food. Watched a ton of tv until it became night time.

There was a knock on the door and Chad went to open it. Pizza delivery guy was there, Chad gave him money and the guy gave Chad pizza. They ate all the pizza and though about getting another pizza delivered to the house.

Tara got a phone call, she looked down and realize it was an unknown number. Y/N looked at her in a confused fashion while everyone else looked at her in fear.

Y/N: What's going on?

Tara: It's an unknown number.

Y/N: Maybe you forgot to save someone's number.

Tara: Ever since the first ghostface attack happened, I made sure to save everyone's number.

Y/N: Then decline it, it's not that big of a deal is it?

Sam: It is, it means the next ghostface attack will happen soon.

Chad: Or it's a prank call guys.

Tara: When have we ever gotten prank calls Chad?

Chad: I mean Sydney got prank calls after her first attack.

Sam: Okay then let's hope it's a prank call.

Everyone ignored the phone call and went back to having a good time. The phone started to ring again, only this time it was Tara's mom. Tara picked up the phone and answered it. Tara even walked away for a minute and then came running back into the living room, she looked very panicked.

Tara: Mom is in trouble.

Sam: What do you mean?

Tara: Ghostface has her.

Y/N: Where at? I thought this game was over?

Sam: Apparently it's not, we need to think of a game plan.

Y/N: Everyone just breathe. Tara, take this.

Y/N handed Tara her inhaler. Tara thanked her for the inhaler and took it. Y/N smiled and Sam started pacing back and forth.

Sam: We need to figure out what's going on.

Y/N: I think they want you Sam.

Tara: What are you talking about?

Y/N: I think that ghostface wants Sam. Obviously it started with her father so now they think it has to end with her so whoever kills her first or whoever can make her crack first will obviously start a new franchise just this one will be a little sicker.

Danny: Explain more please.

Y/N: Sam is Billy's daughter, we know that much. Billy met some guy who videoed an affair going on. Overtime no other Ghostface could kill Sydney and Sydney disappeared. So Sam comes along, Ethan, Bailey, and Quinn exposed who Sam really is which is the daughter of the first ghostface.

Tara: Okay so the people who keep coming after us, mostly coming after Sam wants her to start a new franchise but she chooses to be innocent and not go on a killing spree and only kill in self defense.

Y/N: Exactly but the only twist now is that she sees delusions of her father which means if she was caught she could blame it on insanity and keep going.

Tara: But she doesn't want that life.

Y/N: The fans don't really seem yo care about that, so they'll do whatever they can to make her make up her mind if that makes sense.

Sam: This has to stop.

Y/N: I couldn't agree more, and I think they went after your guys mom to see if she's your weakness.

Sam: She's not.

Chad: Then who is?

Sam looks over at Tara and then makes eye contact with everyone else. Tara looks down, remembering what happened to detective Bailey.

Y/N: What happened?

Tara: You guys know how ghostface started in New York?

Chad: Yeah we pulled out and won.

Tara: Detective Bailey died but he didn't need to die. He could've just gone to jail.

Y/N: Go on.

Sam: Tara, don't.

Tara: Sam gave me a phone and told me to call Detective Bailey, so I did. After that, I walked in on Sam when she was about to kill Detective Bailey.

Chad: This is interesting.

Tara: Sam stopped what she was doing when she saw me in the preifereal vision and I-

Sam: Tara stop, they don't need to know.

Tara: Sam they need to know.

Sam: It's in the past Tara.

Tara: I signaled Sam to finish Detective Bailey.

There was complete silence for almost 10 minutes. Everyone looks around at each other except for Sam and Tara. Sam looked over at Tara and Tara kept facing downward. Mindy had decided to break the silence.

Mindy: Wow that's a lot to take in.

Y/N: Guys it was out of self defense. He could've totally gotten off on good behavior or something. Whatever happened is in the past. Because if you guys didn't kill him or signal each other to kill him, he probably would've come back and tried to kill you guys. His motive was revenge, the new ghostfaces are to get Sam and Tara together and start helping with killings. It's all good.

Chad: You're right Y/N. It's all self defense.

Mindy: I agree, you guys did what you had to.

Y/N gets stabbed in the back and she fell to the ground. Everyone started screaming and ran out of the house, everyone but Sam.

Ghostface: Hello Sam.

Sam: Who are you?

Ghostface: Don't I sound familiar?

Sam looks over at the mirror next to her and saw Billy.

Billy: Find something sharp and stab her.

Sam started looking around the room, while the ghostface picked up Y/N.

Ghostface: Who am I Sam?

Sam: Whoever you are, you'll die next.

Sam had found a hunting knife and hid it behind her back before the Ghostface could see anything.

Ghostface: Your father was very smart.

Sam: How?

Ghostface: He started this franchise because he couldn't handle the truth from his father.

Sam: An affair that broke his family up made him smart? It made him sick.

Ghostface: How dare you say that about him!?

Ghostface drops Y/N and sliced opened Sam's arm. Sam screamed and sliced open Ghostface's forehead.

Ghostface: You shouldn't have done that.

Sam: I think I should've. It was the best decision I've made tonight.

Ghostface: I will kill you!

Ghostface ran into the wall behind Sam. Then ghostface stabbed Sam in the leg. Sam kicked ghostface in the face and Ghostface screamed out in pain. Tara, Chad and Danny came back in and took Y/N to the hospital immediately. Sam got tackled by Ghostface and Ghostface started stabbing Sam. Sam wasn't sure she was going to make it until someone came up behind ghostface and banged a pan over his head.

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