Chapter Six

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Classes have been pretty boring for everyone. Sam had finally come home. Chad and Mindy went to their apartment. This leads to Tara and Sam getting some alone time.

Tara: Hey Sam.

Sam: Yes Tara?

Tara: Can I help you with anything?

Sam: no but when is Y/N coming back?

Tara: Not sure, haven't been keeping up with her.

Sam: You fell out of contact with her?

Tara: No, she wanted to leave and we just lost contact I guess.

Sam: Your phone says otherwise.

Tara: What?

Sam: Y/N seems like she really needs to talk to you.

Tara: She can wait, I'm hanging out with you.

Sam: No like she actually needs to talk to you. She's been blowing up my phone because you blocked her.

Tara: Shes the one who left.

Sam: Shes also Y/N so who knows what she wants now.

Tara: I'll talk to her tonight, right now I have to hang out with you.

Sam: What for?

Tara: We hardly hang out now so I think it'd be good for us.

Sam: Okay so what would you like to eat?

Tara: Hamburger I suppose.

Sam: Alright let's get going.

They start to make their food, and Tara grabs some soda from the fridge for them to drink as they cook. A bunch of laughs were being made and Sam places her soda down on the counter.

Sam: How in the world did it just become us two once again.

Tara: We've always had Mindy and Chad.

Sam: They always end up leaving Tara.

Tara: Right, I guess we're too good for people now a days.

Sam: More like they want to carve us up as if we're pumpkins but I'll let you have that one.

Sam and Tara laugh together, there was a knock on the door, Sam went to open it and Danny walked into the apartment.

Danny: Hello ladies, where is everyone?

Tara: Gone but never forgotten.

Sam: Y/N is in Florida, Chad and Mindy are at home.

Danny: Why did Y/N leave?

Sam: Good question.

Tara: She left because of the guilt of me and her going behind Sam's back.

Sam: Which I have forgiven them for so it's nothing to worry about.

Danny: But they went behind your back.

Sam: Life is short now a days, I can't stay mad at their decisions for long.

The door opened and then closed, it was Mindy and then a few minutes later Chad walked in after her.

Mindy & Chad: There is a killer on the loose!

Everyone turns and looks at them and Mindy quickly turns the television on and quickly turns the channel to the news.

Newsman: There has been a killer on the loose for some time now, that killer has been witnessed by a few people and saying that the ghostface killers are back. Only question is, is who are they after this time and who is responsible for these tragedies. Stay tuned for our next update on these kil-

The newsman gets stabbed twice and the ghostface looks at the camera.

Ghostface: See you soon Sam.

Everyone in the room turns to look at Sam and Sam stands there, wanting to do nothing but run away from all of this.

Sam: Oh shit.

Tara: Ghostface is back.

Mindy: Everyone knows the drill, we have to stick together.

Everyone looks over at Danny.

Tara: Cute boy you're with us now.

Danny: I wouldn't leave Sam in this mess guys.

Tara: Alright so we all stay here tonight?

Mindy: Well where else would we go?

Chad: I'll make some popcorn.

Everyone looks over at Chad and he walks off into the kitchen to make himself some popcorn. Everyone then looks back at each other.

Danny: So I'm assuming Y/N is off the list of being accused of being the killer?

Tara: Yep, seems that way.

Sam: Unless she wanted it to be that way.

Tara: It could also just be a coincidence Sam.

Sam: I know but let's keep our options open just in case.

Tara: I understand that.

Mindy and Chad sat on the couch, Danny sat in one of the chairs. Tara was in the kitchen and finally decided to unblock Y/N's number. Sam walked into the kitchen while Tara had her thumb hovering over the call button.

Sam: Call her.

Tara: What if she doesn't answer?

Sam: Call her. She'll answer.

Tara nods and calls Y/N. It rings a few times and Y/N finally picks up.

Phone Call:

Y/N: Hey Tara, could I call you back later?

Tara: Uhm yeah, everything okay?

Y/N: Just at the beach with my family, nothing unusual about that. What's up with everyone over there?

Tara: Just surviving ghostface.

Y/N: Yikes, if you need anything I'll be here for both you and Sam.

Tara: Thank you, I'll make sure to tell her that.

Y/N: I'll call you later tonight, I hope things get better.

Tara: Yeah we can talk more later.

Y/N: Of course, I'd love that.

Tara: Talk later.

Y/N: Yeah you too.

Phone Ended

Tara looks at Sam and Sam just pulls her sister into a long hug. Tara backed away after awhile and smiled slightly.

Tara: I'll be okay, we weren't even together.

Sam: Okay, well let's go chill on the couch with everyone.

Tara: I'd like that.

Sam smiles and they walk over to the couch and sit by Chad and Mindy. Nothing has happened for the rest of the night. They only watched a few movies before Mindy and Chad ended up falling asleep.

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