Chapter Five

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Chad and Mindy kicked everyone out and Chad hugged Y/N.

Y/N: I'm gonna go drop her off, you guys won't hear from me anymore. I'm sorry for what I've caused. I'm going back to Florida where my parents are so I guess see you guys in the future.

Mindy: Wait, you're going?

Y/N: It's better then my throat being tore out.

Mindy: I didn't expect that from you.

Y/N: Goodbye guys.

Y/N got into her car and drove Tara home. She picked Tara up and took her to her room. Y/N laid Tara down and Tara wrapped her arms around Y/N.

Tara: Thank you.

Y/N: Don't thank me yet, I gotta go home.

Tara: Why?

Y/N: Can't get caught by Sam.

Tara: Oh, right.

Y/N: Yeah.

Tara pushed Y/N off of her. Y/N stood up, got water and crackers and even a small bucket for Tara. Then she put two painkillers on the nightstand, kissed Tara's forehead and left the apartment.

Y/N went to her house, got all of her belongings and got on the first plane to Florida. She's come back eventually but not when she still had feelings for Tara.

It was officially the next day, Tara woke up and felt alone. She got up and saw Mindy, Chad and Sam all sitting around a table with a little note on it.

Sam: Y/N left to Florida and it seems like she's not coming back.

Mindy: There was also more that she said.

Tara: Well read it out loud.

Sam: Okay.

The Note:

Hey everyone, I wrote this to let you guys know that I've gone to Florida. Recently I found out I had feelings for a certain someone and realized it wouldn't be okay. I'm sorry Sam for having feelings for Tara. It was to never happen, I'm surprised that it happened. You guys are all great and amazing people. I hope you can forgive me. Talk soon guys, I'll see you around.

End Of Note

Tara looked at Sam and Sam avoided eye contact with her. Mindy and Chad look at Tara and Tara is still standing there looking at Sam.

Sam: Did you reciprocate those feelings?

Tara: Yes.

Sam: Did she force you into anything?

Tara: No, she respected me and made sure I wasn't in pain.

Sam: Why didn't any of you come to me?

Tara: We didn't think anything would happen and we were scared.

Sam: Why did she go to Florida?

Tara: I'm not sure.

Mindy: You don't remember Tara but you made a mistake last night.

Tara: What did I do?

Mindy took her phone out and quickly sent Tara a text about everything that happened last night. Tara read the text and looked at Sam.

Tara: Shes going because of me, I made a mistake. I got drunk and high with Timmy who is gay by the way and I talked to him about it and he told me to either tell or keep it a secret.

Sam: Am I missing something?

Chad: Tara had sex with a guy and Y/N wasn't happy about that.

Mindy: We didn't need to put her Chad.

Chad: Sorry but she asked if she was missing anything.

Sam: Don't fight you two, and please never tell me about her sex life again.

Chad: Sorry.

Sam: I'm going to Danny's, I'll come home later. I need to clear my head after this conversation.

Mindy and Chad stayed quiet, Tara was blowing up Y/N's phone but not getting a reply. Sam was out the door and Danny had come to pick her up.

Tara: How do we get Y/N back here?

Mindy: We don't.

Tara: Why can't we bring her back?

Chad: Shes long gone Tara, she already spilled your guys secret.

Tara: I was happy with her.

Mindy: We could tell, just give it time Tara. Y/N and Sam will come around. They can't keep you from being happy 24/7

Tara: You're right.

Chad turned on the tv and they were all snuggled up together on the couch while watching cartoons.

After a few hours of watching television, they start making dinner. Tara has gone to her room to try her hardest to contact Y/N. After about 30 missed calls and 100 messages, Y/N finally got back to her and called her.

Phone Call:

Tara: Where are you?

Y/N: Family home. Why?

Tara: Why have you gone there?

Y/N: Sam knows about what we did, what we have done together has to stop.

Tara: You can't be serious.

Y/N: I'm very serious.

Tara: Fine, talk to you whenever you decide to grow up and stop pushing people away.

Y/N: Tara-

Phone call ends.

Chad walks into Tara's room and hands her a plate of food. Tara thanks him and Mindy and Chad sit down in Tara's room.

Mindy: We heard your phone call with Y/N, I'm sorry for everything that's going on.

Tara: It's not your fault, I should've stayed away.

Mindy: Stop beating yourself up for it, we can't all help who we fall in love with. Y/N and Sam will come around, no need to worry.

Tara: We should probably eat and then go to bed.

Chad: I've been eating this whole time.

Tara: Mindy you can have Sam's room, Chad you get the couch. Then we go to classes tomorrow.

Chad: Classes suck.

Tara: Education is better then nothing, we're almost done.

Chad: Yep, I can't wait for college to be done with.

Mindy: Me too.

Tara: Same guys.

Everyone finished off their food, Tara's phone has been ringing all night. Tara would look at it and ignore it. Mindy and Chad got up and got ready for bed. Then everyone fell asleep, classes are early in the morning.

Sam and Danny on the other end have been watching movies and just hanging out. Sam feels upset with Y/N because she completely backstabbed Y/N. It'll take awhile for her to forgive Y/N.

It Was All About Love Tara (Tara X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now