Chapter 17

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They all woke up the next morning, and ate breakfast at one of the parks. Y/N stood up and looked down at Tara.

Y/N: Would you like me to get you more of your drink?

Tara: Yes please.

Y/N: Okay I'll be back.

Y/N kisses Tara's cheek and everyone smiles at them. Y/N left the group and went to get Tara more of Tara's drink.

Sam: You guys are so cute.

Tara: Thank you.

Mindy: If only we all had someone that would look at us like Y/N looks at Tara.

Tara: You guys think she looks at me differently?

Chad: There is no thinking to it, it's a fact.

Danny: They're all telling the truth. Y/N looks at you like there's nobody else in the world. That's a good type of love to have.

Sam: I agree, I'm honestly glad you guys got together. It's amazing how you two have gotten along.

Tara: It all started with a one night stand.

Mindy: Some would say that it was all about love.

Sam: Not just any love but a first love.

Mindy: Yes, a first look type of love.

Chad: You mean like when they see each other they just fell in love?

Danny: That is what they're saying.

Tara: Wow I wonder what's taking Y/N so long to get that drink.

Mindy: Who knows.

Sam: I think I know.

Tara turns around and sees Y/N talking to a girl with a huge smile on her face. Y/N waves at Tara and goes back to her conversation. After a little while the conversation ended and Y/N handed Tara her drink.

Tara: What took so long? I'm thirsty.

Y/N: That girl actually tried to flirt with me until I told her about you and then it just turned into a conversation on how much I adore you.

Sam: That's cringe shit to say but you do you.

Mindy: Boo.

Everyone looks over at Mindy with a confused look. Mindy rolled her eyes and went to explain.

Mindy: The saying of you do you boo.

Tara: Oh okay.

Chad: Let's go to the beach.

Sam: I like that idea, let's go.

Everyone finished their drinks and food, paid for the bill and went to the beach. Chad was flirting with a bunch of females. Y/N was tanning, Sam, Tara and Danny were all playing in the water. Mindy was building a sand castle.

Everyone was having fun and enjoying their time together. After about an hour, the group decided to play a bit of beach volleyball. Tara, Danny and Mindy on one team. Sam, Y/N and Chad on the other team.

It has been a few hours, the sun has started to come down. They decided to go back to the hotel and then go out to the parks. They rode a few rides and then sat down at a table.

Tara: I think we should go back to the hotel and get some rest and then come back to the parks tomorrow.

Sam: Remember tomorrow is our last full day here so spend your time wisely.

Danny: How about we do 2 rides at each park?

Tara: That's so smart.

Sam: Alright well let's go back to the hotel, get some rest and then go to the parks tomorrow.

Y/N: Does that mean we have to get up really early?

Sam: Yes Y/N, and then after we do 4 rides, two rides for each park then we'll take a break and finish off the last 4 rides for two of each other parks.

Mindy: Enough talking and let's just go now.

Chad: You getting tired Mind?

Mindy: Yes I am.

Sam: Okay well let's finish our food and we'll go.

They finished up some food and then they went back to the hotel. They took showers and got ready for bed. Then Sam, Danny, Chad and Mindy all went to sleep. Tara and Y/N were still awake.

Y/N: What are you thinking about?

Tara: Rather you'll come back to us.

Y/N: Like where the ghostfaces are?

Tara: There is no more killers running around anymore. Plus Sam supports us and so does everyone else.

Y/N: Okay, I'll come back on one condition.

Tara: What's that?

Y/N: Nothing changes within the friend group.

Tara: Nothing would ever change the friend group but it's too bad you aren't part of the core four.

Y/N: Who came up with that?

Tara: Chad did.

Y/N: Of course he did.

They both chuckle a little bit. After laughing, Y/N pulled Tara into a passionate kiss. Tara pulled away and went back into the kiss. Y/N pulled Tara into her lap, Tara pulled away and laid back down on the pull out couch's bed.

Tara: No babe.

Y/N: No one will know.

Tara: They will know, we can do that when we get back to your place.

Y/N: Fine, I'll control myself for you.

Tara: You better.

They snuggled up to each other and fell asleep. Everyone was having sweet dreams.

It Was All About Love Tara (Tara X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now