Chapter 20

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The ghostface was fake knocked out, everyone came inside and Sam unmasked the ghostface, leading to her getting stabbed by him in the stomach.

Ghostface: You thought you could bring me down.

Sam: Fuck you.

Ghostface: I'd rather kill you.

Tara came up from behind and stabbed him in the back of neck, instantly killing him. Chad and Danny picked Sam up and they went to a nearby hospital.

-Few Days Later-

Everyone has survived another ghostface incident. Sam and Danny move into their own apartment together, and only made sure the main friend group knows where they live. Y/N moved back to her old apartment in whatever city or country that was (I forgot where everyone lived). Tara has moved in with Y/N so they live together. Chad, Mindy and Tara finish up college finally and everything finally goes back to normal. There is no more ghostfaces because no one wants to end up getting killed by Tara and Samantha Carpenter.

Author's Note: I've officially ended this series. mostly bcuz of everything that's been going on with spyglass and i've also just been busy. yes throughout my disappearance of not posting chapters i kept up on the whole spyglass firing melissa. anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this story, i'll talk to you guys later goodbye everyone.

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