Chapter 14

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Y/N has finally woken up, Sam was standing in the doorway. Y/N sat up and Sam walked inside and sat down at the edge of the bed.

Sam: Rough night?

Y/N: Rough night and day.

Sam: Did you get any closer to Tara?

Y/N: No feels like I'm still stuck in the dog house.

Sam: Well we are all about to go to the movies, wanna come with?

Y/N: No, I think I just want to sleep a little more. Tara and I snuck out last night and drank a ton.

Sam: That explains why she's had her fifth cup of the day.

Y/N: Fifth cup of coffee?

Sam: Yeah, she's bouncing off the walls.

Y/N: At least she's happy.

Sam: Yeah, she deserves to be happy and so do you. So next time when you have the chance to be with her, take it. Don't think about anyone else.

Y/N: I'll try.

Sam: Tara will always be waiting for you so open up yourself and take the chance.

Y/N: Thank you Sam.

Sam: No problem.

Mindy: Hey we gotta go now or we'll miss the movie!

Sam: Okay, I'll be there in a minute!

Y/N: You should get going.

Sam: You should take my advice.

Sam stood up and starts walking towards the door. She doesn't turn around and decided to say one more thing.

Sam: Don't give up on what you and Tara have had in the past, go for what you want. See ya later Y/N.

Sam walks out and everyone but Y/N goes to the movies.

While Y/N is alone, she decides to take a shower and do laundry. After that, she decides to send Tara a text.

Text Message:

Y/N: Hey, I think we should talk. I think we really need to discuss our relationship now rather than later.

Text Message Ends.

Y/N sits on the couch and watches TV, she decided to cook herself some dinner and watch youtube on the tv. After her dinner, she put everything away and Danny, Chad and Mindy walk through the door.

Y/N: Hello everyone.

Danny: Hey, I'm really exhausted so I'll see you in the morning.

Chad: I'm going to go play video games.

Mindy: I smell so I'm going to take a shower.

Y/N: Okay, I'll see you guys in the morning then.

Everyone dispersed into their rooms and Sam and Tara walk inside. Sam immediately walks into hers and Danny's room and doesn't say anything.

Tara: I got your text.

Y/N: You didn't respond.

Tara: I was at the movies.

Y/N: Sam told me.

Tara: So what did you want to talk about?

Y/N: Go to the couch, I'll make us some tea and then we can talk.

Tara: Don't be too long, I'm exhausted.

Y/N: I won't.

Tara smiles and walks into the living room. Y/N makes some tea and walks into the living room and hands Tara a cup.

Y/N: I don't know what to say.

Tara: Okay nice talk.

Y/N: I know what I want to say but I don't how to say it.

Tara: Okay so you've apparently done some thinking.

Y/N: I have and I know you don't want to make Chad upset about us or about when we become a thing so I respect your decision if you'd still like to wait longer but I just- I just really enjoy my time with you. You make me happy, Sam told me before she left to just take my chance and not worry about anyone else.

Tara: So my sister helped bring you back out into the light of relationships?

Y/N: You both did but just let me finish.

Tara: Okay?

Y/N: I want us, if I lost you I don't know what I'd do.

Tara: Run away to see all the beautiful unicorns the land has to offer?

Y/N: You're funny but I'm being serious.

Tara: I know.

Y/N: I don't want you to have to think I'm making you choose between anything. You can choose to wait longer or you can choose to be with me but I really want this so can we work something out? Because if we ca-

Tara kisses Y/N, they place their cups on the table and Y/N places her hand on Tara's waist. Tara pulls away and Y/N smiles.

Y/N: So you want this?

Tara: Did that kiss not give you a hint?

Y/N: I think I need another one to get the hint.

Tara smiles and kisses Y/N again. Y/N deepens the kiss and Tara slowly starts to make her way onto Y/N's lap. Y/N pulls away from the kiss.

Y/N: We still need to drink the tea.

Tara: I think I'm good on tea.

Y/N: But I made it very special for you.

Tara: How about we just go to bed?

Y/N: Okay I think I like that.

They went into the bedroom. Y/N closed the door once they made it into the room. She turned around and Tara kisses her, Y/N places her hands onto Tara's waist. Tara pulls away and takes her shirt off, Y/N also takes her shirt off. They go back to kissing and Y/N falls onto the bed.

Tara sits on Y/N's lap and deepens the kiss. Y/N pulls away and catch their breath for a minute. Y/N pulls Tara back into the kiss and rotates them so she's on top. Y/N kisses Tara's neck and goes down to her collarbone.

After about 30 minutes, Tara and Y/N are laying in bed completely naked. Tara cuddles up to Y/N's side and Y/N plays with Tara's hair.

Tara: I missed this.

Y/N: Me too.

Tara: So what will we do tomorrow?

Y/N: About what?

Tara: Us? Are we just officially together now or are we just a friends with benefits type of thing.

Y/N: Would you like to be official?

Tara: I would but I don't want you to think you have to be apart of this if you don't want to.

Y/N: I do want to be official, more than anything.

Tara: So we're girlfriends?

Y/N: Yeah, we are.

Tara: So what are we going to tell the others when they ask who asked who out?

Y/N: Just tell them it was a mutual agreement.

Tara: That makes us sound like we're in a contract.

Y/N: Well all that happens is that we're happy and we're together.

Tara smiles and they share a kiss. They told each other good nights and fell asleep.

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