Chapter 12

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Y/N woke up and saw Tara was still snuggled up to her, she smiled and slowly sat up. Tara had woken up and smacked Y/N's arm.

Y/N: What was that for?

Tara: You keep moving.

Y/N: It's morning now, we should get some breakfast and then go to the beach.

Tara: Or we can all relax today since we did get off a plane yesterday.

Y/N: Stop being a baby, get up and I can make everyone breakfast.

Tara: Fine.

Tara got up and Y/N's door opened and they saw Sam opening the door.

Sam: Good morning you two, breakfast is done. Do we have any plans for today?

Y/N: Anyone wanna go to the beach and hang out?

Sam: Sounds delightful, let's eat and we can start getting ready to go to the beach.

Tara: I like that idea.

Sam smiles and walks out of the door.

Y/N: So why do you like that idea so much?

Tara: The sun, the sand, the water, it's all remarkable.

Y/N: Or you just want to see me in a bathing suit.

Tara: Maybe, maybe not. But moving on, I'm going to go get some food.

Y/N: I'll be there in a minute.

Tara walks out and Y/N was finally able to breathe. After a few minutes of being alone, Y/N finally met up with everyone in the kitchen. Mindy and Danny are getting ready for the beach since they already ate. Chad was washing his dish and Danny's and Mindy's dishes as well.

Sam: So how's breakfast?

Y/N: Good, I missed eating your food.

Sam: You could always come back.

Y/N: I don't think that's a good idea.

Sam: No one hates you.

Y/N: I wasn't even thinking that.

Sam: Then come back home.

Y/N: This is home Sam, it's better here.

Tara: I'm glad you're enjoying it here Y/N.

Y/N: Thank you Tara.

Chad: Dishes are done so I'll go get ready for the beach.

Tara: Okay Chad.

Sam: I should also go get ready.

Tara: See ya Sam.

Sam and Chad left the room. Tara finished her food and put her dish in the sink, Y/N did the same. Tara leaned up against the counter and Y/N leaned on the other counter that was in front of the counter that Tara is leaning on.

Tara: You really like being here?

Y/N: Yeah, it's great.

Tara: Do you ever miss home?

Y/N: Yeah.

Tara: You miss your mom?

Y/N: Shes actually here with me.

Tara: Oh wow.

Y/N: You should stay here.

Tara: You should know I still have college going on over there.

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