Chapter 11

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It was now the next day, Tara and Sam woke up. Everyone else was still asleep, Tara went into the kitchen and made herself some cereal. Sam ended up waking up everyone else and making breakfast.

Everyone ate breakfast and took showers, obviously not all together in one shower but they still took showers one by one. Tara was last in the shower because she was scrolling through her social media apps.

A few hours later, everyone was playing bird games and watching movies. They just wanted to enjoy each others company before enjoying their time in Florida with Y/N. Truth be told, Sam and Tara both really miss Y/N.

Sam had made popcorn for everyone and they all sat down and began to talk. Danny had become sleepy so he went to bed while everyone else stayed up.

Sam: Are you guys ready for this vacation?

Chad: Yes.

Mindy: Yes, we'll be able to be happy.

Tara: I'm a little nervous about it.

Mindy: Why?

Tara: We haven't seen Y/N in forever.

Sam: Nothing should change. She did say that she has only two spare rooms. One has two twin sized beds and the other just has a king sized bed. Then there's her main room.

Tara: Okay? So Danny and Sam can have the king sized bed and Mindy and I can share a twin bed.

Mindy: Actually her beds that are twin sized are too small.

Tara: Okay then I can take the couch.

Sam: Y/N wouldn't like that.

Tara: It's not really up to her.

Sam: Shes offering her bed to you Tara.

Everyone looks between Tara, Sam and Chad. Chad got up and went to the bathroom.

Tara: Fine I'll share a bed with her as long as nothing gets awkward.

Mindy: We should probably get some rest so that way we can wake up in the morning, eat and then obviously go on the plane.

Sam and Tara nod and got up. Mindy laid down on one couch, Chad came back and laid on the other. Tara went to her room and Sam went to hers. They all went to sleep and all had a very good sleep.

It was now morning, Mindy and Danny were the first ones up. Chad woke up, then Sam and then Tara. They all ate breakfast, brushed their teeth and then hit the road.

They finally got to the airport and waited on their time to leave the airport. Chad was super quiet for everything, he wasn't his usual goofy self and that worried everyone.

It's been a few hours, they got on their plane and got their luggage all set. The plane had taken off and Chad, Mindy and Danny all fell asleep. Tara and Sam were next to each other and were still up.

Tara: I'm worried for Chad?

Sam: How come?

Tara: He's been super respectful and now I feel like he's not dealing with the break up.

Sam: Florida will help him cheer up and forget about it. Maybe he'll even meet a nice women and fall in love.

Tara: Hopefully I just feel bad.

Sam: Don't let it get to you, you should get some sleep and just not think too hard about it.

Tara: Okay, you should also get some more sleep.

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