Chapter 18

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Everyone had woken up. They made breakfast and ate their food. They packed all their bags in the rental car. After that they locked the car and immediately went to the parks at Disney. Everyone was able to ride 2 rides for the first park.

After a little bit of walking, they got on the bus and went to another park. They've done some shopping and eating. Then they rode on two more rides, then they went back to shopping. They were all having a ton of fun. Y/N snuck Tara into a little cafe while everyone else was still walking ahead of them.

Tara: What are we doing?

Y/N: I just want some alone time right now.

Tara: There's a ton of people around so we can't do-

Y/N: I'm not taking about sex.

Tara: Oh okay, then let's order a drink and we can talk and hang out for a little while before they get suspicious.

Y/N: They wouldn't get suspicious,

Tara: We also are supposed to be busy Y/N, we have to ride 2 new rides at every park.

Y/N: We can always come back here, I've got the money.

Tara: How?

Y/N: Inheritance and I also have acting gigs I go to sometimes.

Tara: You act while I get almost killed?

Y/N: Sam is your sister so she's part of a legacy which means you'll also be part of it. After you and Sam die then it's over.

Tara: Wow thanks for the advice.

Y/N: I didn't mean it like that.

Tara: Then how did you mean it? Because sounds to me it means that no one will stop hunting me and Sam.

Y/N: It's the truth, yes but I didn't mean I want you to die. If you moved to Florida, like everyone move here, change your names and then start doing something new.

Tara: I can't just up and leave college.

Y/N: I never said that.

Tara: Sounds like you did.

Y/N: Florida could be a new start for all of you. Mindy can be a director towards scary movies. Chad can be a pro video gamer. You can be an actor or a director or even someone therapist. Sam can be an actor or therapist and Danny can work as a construction worker. Or you guys can choose your jobs.

Tara: So you want me to run away from my life, and you want everyone else to do the same thing but you won't even come home? You won't even think to see how we would feel?

Y/N: Tara that's not-

Tara gets a phone call from Sam. Tara answers it and meets up with Sam by the bus station with the rest of the group. Y/N is in the back of the group being very quiet.

After the bus ride, they go into the next park. Everyone does their own little thing this time. Sam and Mindy go and ride rides. Danny and Chad get snacks. Tara and Y/N are walking side by side and not speaking a word to each other.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Tara: Save it for later, I just want to ride a few more rides and then go home.

Y/N: When do you have to go back to college?

Tara: We've got 2 more days here and then we gotta go back so I can finish college.

Y/N: So can I make it up to you before you leave?

Tara: Yeah, do what you want.

Y/N: Okay, I'm seriously sorry.

Tara kept walking, and Y/N followed behind her. It was pretty quiet between them for a few minutes. Y/N didn't want to say something wrong and Tara just wanted peace and quiet.

Everyone met up after they were done with their rides. They ate dinner and then went straight to the airport. Tara had fallen asleep on Mindy's shoulder. Chad was playing a game on his phone, Sam and Danny were sleeping and Y/N was scrolling through different social media apps.

It has been a long day for everyone, they were back at Y/N's house. Tomorrow would be their last day in Florida and then the next day they were on the way to go home.

Everyone had put their bags in the house, Y/N immediately went to the gym and left everyone at her house. Sam and Danny went to go take a nap, Chad went for a walk and Mindy was watching movies on the couch with Tara.

It began to rain, Y/N finally got home after spending 5 hours at the gym. Y/N got in the shower without saying hi to anyone. Tara went into Y/N's room and saw that Y/N had left her bathroom door opened.

It has been about 30 minutes, Y/N got out of the shower. Tara was laying in bed, Y/N put some clothes on and grabbed a blanket and pillow.

Tara: Where are you going?

Y/N: I'm gonna go sleep on the couch.

Tara: Why?

Y/N: I thought you would've wanted some space.

Tara: We're grown adults, we can fix whatever is going on between us.

Y/N: We can talk tomorrow.

Tara: Why?

Y/N: I'm really tired.

Tara: Where have you been for five hours?

Y/N: The gym.

Tara: Why were you there for five hours?

Y/N: I felt like working out.

Tara: You did something else I'm assuming.

Y/N: No I literally worked out for five hours. I got food after my workout and came home.

Tara: Just sleep here tonight. It's your bed.

Y/N: Fine.

Y/N dropped the blanket and pillows and got in bed next to Tara. Tara snuggled up to Y/N and Y/N sat their. She didn't move her hands or anything to wrap around Tara.

Tara: Why are you acting like you can't touch me?

Y/N: I don't know.

Tara: What's going on?

Y/N: I just feel guilty.

Tara: For what?

Y/N: Making you upset about the whole moving here situation.

Tara: You're fine, I'm over that. You were just suggesting something. Don't worry about it.

Y/N: You sure?

Tara: Yeah, now can we cuddle or what?

Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around Tara. They fell asleep and it was a peaceful night for everyone

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