Chapter Ten

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It's been a few years after the attack and Y/N being gone. Tara and Chad have been getting closing considering they're together. Mindy supports them but feels like Chad shouldn't be with Tara.

Sam: How about we go on vacation?

Tara: To where?

Sam: Florida, Y/N decided to fly us all down there to visit.

Mindy: Tara is gonna be in a love triangle.

Tara: No I'm not, but when do we go?

Sam: We have all day tomorrow to pack and then the next day we're flying out.

Mindy: So much fun. Let's go Chad.

Chad: See ya Tara.

Tara: Bye.

Chad left and Tara sits on the couch and relaxes. Sam sits down by her sister.

Sam: What's up?

Tara: Chad is just Chad, he's sweet and he knows how to treat a lady but I don't think he's the one.

Sam: Then you should talk to him about that.

Tara: I told him I'd give us a try.

Sam: You've been dating him for like two years, what else do you need to try out?

Tara: I don't know

Sam: Then I say you talk to him.

Tara: How?

Sam: Not too sure, but just break it off with him lightly.

Tara: But he seriously is a good guy.

Sam: That's why you should break it off with him so he can go out and find someone else.

Tara: Okay, I'll do it tomorrow bcuz I bet Mindy has him packing right now.

Sam: You're probably not wrong.

Tara and Sam smile and laugh at the conversation they just had. Tara got up and went to go pack. There was a knock on the door and Sam opened the door, Danny was standing there.

Sam: Hey.

Danny: Hey, I heard about your trip.

Sam: You can come with.

Danny: Y/N wouldn't mind?

Sam: No, she bought a ticket for you too so go home and pack and then tomorrow night we can all sleep here and go to the airport the next day.

Danny: Okay, see you tomorrow then.

Sam: Bye.

Danny kissed Sam's cheek and left to go pack. Sam walks into her room and begins to pack. Tara walks into Sam's room and shows the messages between her and Chad.

Sam: You finally did it.

Tara: Yeah but look at his reply.

Sam: Seems like he understands Tara.

Tara: What if he's lying about it?

Sam: He may be hurt right now but just know you're doing a better thing then leading him on. He'll get over today and be grateful you didn't lead him on at the end of the day.

Tara: You think so?

Sam: I know so. For all we know things might not work out between you and Y/N and Chad and you will come back stronger together.

It Was All About Love Tara (Tara X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now