Chapter 1

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It was a normal chilly night. y/n was picking up her fiancé from the airport.

She didn't know y/n was in the country. Y/n wanted to surprise her fiancé because it's her fiancee's birthday week.

But what y/n witnessed made her heart break into millions of pieces

Her own fiancee kissing her brother. The two people she cared most. The betrayal plastered on her face as she watched the love of her life making out with her so called trust worthy brother...

When they break apart for air, y/n  brother turned his head after hearing something but to see his younger sister with tears rolling down her cheek. The look of disgust and betrayal plastered on her face made him feel guilty.

"Ian, are you okay? You look pale, " Amy said as she looked at him.

He didn't even reply he just stood there in the cold, staring at his sister.

Amy turned her attention away from Ian and looked at the direction Ian was staring at.

When she realized that her fiancee was standing there staring at them. Her heart skipped a few heartbeats seeing look on her fiancé face, or should I say ex fiance?

"Y/n listen -" Amy said but cut off mid sentence

"Don't even start," She said bitterly, staring at the two emotionless

"were done, Amy," Y/n said as she took the ring off her finger and threw it at her brother. "I think you'd like to be his fiancee, don't ya?"

the two stood there shocked. while Y/n was walking away, soon disappearing from their sight...

Y/n POV:

as soon as I got home, I had a breakdown.

'it hurts.'

'Why did she cheat on me with him out of all people?'

'I'm I not good enough?'

'What did I do to deserve this?'

'Why are people in this world so cruel?'

I hear the front door open open. Then Amy came into the kitchen looking guilty. "What do you want?" I asked suddenly annoyed


"Stop with the crap and talk normally. Now, what do you want?" I say, getting even more annoyed

"I want you, Y/n I love you,"

"don't fucking lie to me Amy" I say knowing she doesn't feel that way

"but its the truth y/n" she tried to reason.

"Do I look like a fucking fool to you? Cause I'm pretty sure you don't cheat on someone you love" My voice raised as I slammed my fist onto the table

"He kissed me, and I know it not a good excuse cause I kissed him back but I realized that you're the one for me, your the woman I want. Please just give me a second chance" She pleaded her hands going to my face. "Please. We've known each other for such a long time, are you really gonna throw all that away?"

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