chapter 2

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get my phone out of my pocket and decide to call my friend


"Y/n? are you okay? You sound like you've been crying."

"We're not dating anymore the wedding is off, we're over" I let out a sigh

"FINAFUCKLLY! Sorry, it's just that she gives off bad vibes"

"I should've listened to you. You're always right about everything for some reason"

"It's called being black, you don't get cause your a white chocolate but I'll teach you our ways"

"Fuck you" I chuckle

"WHOA, slow down you just ended your relationship" Even though I can't see her I can feel her stupid smirk through the screen

"Fuck off, asshole"

"But seriously babes, you need a break. Every day, something is wrong, and I'm not having that. I'm booking you a private jet to New York"

"What you can't do that?"

"Just did. Now start packing. I'll meet you in New York, " she responded

She hung up, and I just did what she told me to do. Pack


After packing everything, I decided to order pizza

I scroll through tiktok, laughing at some funny videos and liking some fan edits. These editors are crazy talented I can't see myself doing all that

I heard the doorbell ring, and I got off the couch and opened the door

"OH MY FUCKING- YOUR Y-YOUR Y/N," the delivery man shrieks. I scrunch my face in annoyance. It's not like I don't like my fans I love them it's just the fact that they get too loud. "Yes indeed, may I have my pizza now?" I question.

"Of course here you go, that'll be $14.57" I gave the man a ten dollar tip

"Before I go, can I get your autograph? I'm a really big fan of your music." He asked while taking a marker out of his pocket

"Sure!" I said,"But where should I sign?" I asked, not knowing where

"My hand," He said. I signed and got my pizza


When the private jet arrived, I put my suitcases in the back and sat in a comfy chair. My eyes closed as I started to drift off to sleep

"Y/n! We're here, " the pilot yelled. I jumped at the sound.

I got all my stuff ready to go. I took my phone out of my pocket to call jess to open the gates

"Jess, I'm here in front of your house. Can you open the gates?" I say through the phone. The gates buzz, then slowly open

"That was fast." I say under my breath

I can see Jess running to me a little bit too fast for my liking. And of course she tripped but I managed to catch her before she could even touch the ground

"Y/N I MISSED YOU SO MUCH," she yelled

"Calm down, you're acting like I was gone for years," I said while laughing at her silliness

"You were gone for a year AND a HALF"

"Okay, okay, but calm down, and can I bring my stuff inside?" I said, and turned to get my suitcase but it was gone. "Don't worry about that. I already got my Adam to put them in your room." She responded.

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