Chapter 11

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"Only if I get to sit in-between you love birds, I don't want to see lovey dovey shit"

We all shared a laugh at Emery's teasing remark, the light-hearted banter filling the air with warmth and familiarity. As we settled down to watch a movie, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond that had formed between Lizzie and my sister. It was a rare and precious thing to see the important people in my life getting along so well.

Snuggled up in our makeshift fort, surrounded by the soft glow of the movie playing on the ceiling, I felt contentment wash over me like a gentle wave. Lizzie leaned her head against my shoulder, her presence a comforting weight against my side. Beside us, Emery made a show of dramatically throwing herself between us, earning an eye roll from both Lizzie and me.

As the episode unfolded before us, punctuated by bursts of laughter and shared commentary, I found myself stealing glances at Lizzie. Her eyes sparkled with amusement, her laughter contagious and filling the room with joy.

After the third episode ended, the credits rolling on the screen as we sat in a comfortable silence, each lost in our own thoughts. Emery let out a contented sigh, breaking the quiet moment. "I'm gonna have to ask you for the name of the series but I'm hungry and tired" she remarked, stretching her arms above her head.

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of peace settling over me. Lizzie shifted beside me, her hand finding mine under the blanket we shared. Her touch was a reassuring anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions that had swirled around us earlier.

"I'm so glad you two hit it off," I said, looking at Emery with gratitude. She grinned back, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "Well, I have excellent taste in friends," she quipped, earning a playful shove from Lizzie.

As we prepared to leave our cozy fort and return to the outside world, I felt a sense of anticipation building within me. The bond between Lizzie and Emery filled me with a deep sense of joy and gratitude.

“Aren't you guys gonna cook for me?” She dramatically pouted, giving us her best puppy dog eyes.

“oh so this puppy dog eyes run in the family? Or do you guys do this just to get what you want?” Lizzie raised a brow, her little smirk growing across her face.

"Only to the deserving ones," Emery replied with a wink, causing lizzie to roll her eyes at our childish antics.

With our fort slowly disassembled and the remnants of our movie night cleaned up, we made our way to the kitchen. Emery took a seat at the table, watching with interest as Lizzie and I began to search up a meal to cook. I ended up showing her a meal from my favourite anime to cook. japanese A5 beef roti don

A/n: I'm not capping when I say it tastes good irl😩 #bigback

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A/n: I'm not capping when I say it tastes good irl😩 #bigback

“Japanese A5 beef roti don,” I announced, a mischievous smile playing on my lips as I watched Emery’s eyes widen in surprise. Lizzie chuckled at the intrigued expression on Emery’s face, clearly amused by our unique choice.

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