chapter 12

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Y/n's POV:

“Put me down!” Lizzie's face contorts into a mock stern expression, but the sound of her giggle gives her away. She is just too cute to be taken seriously.

"No way!" I protest, feeling the sweat trickle down my back. "I need a popsicle from the store." My frown deepens as I harden my grip on Lizzie's waist.

The scorching sun beats down on us, making the pavement beneath our feet feel like hot coals. Despite this discomfort, Lizzie's infectious laughter make it hard for me to stay mad at her.

I quicken my pace, determined to reach the  store just around the corner. Lizzie squirms in my arms, trying to free herself, but I hold on tighter, enjoying the way her hair tickles my chin.

As we enter the store, the cool air conditioning washes over us, providing instant relief from the oppressive heat outside. Lizzie finally stops struggling and looks up at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Fine, you win," she concedes, a playful smile tugging at her lips. I grin triumphantly and set her down, reaching for the freezer where the popsicles and ice creams are kept. I turned to Lizzie and saw that she picked up the pumpkin flavored ice cream. "In the name of Jesus I beg you to put that witchcraft away" We both burst into laughter, our stomachs aching from the amusement we shared. I couldn't help but shake my head, knowing Lizzie's quirks were part of what made our friendship so special.
"Alright, alright," she said, placing the ice cream back in the freezer.

I turn to the other freezer, but as I open the door, my heart sinks - there are no popsicles left. I let out a disappointed sigh, and I rack my brain for an alternative treat to lift my spirits. Just then, Lizzie turned to me with a grin. "How about we make our own popsicles?" I couldn't help but smile at Lizzie's suggestion, her creativity always shining through in the most unexpected moments. "That's not a bad idea" I exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of crafting our own frozen treats.

We quickly made our way through the aisles, gathering the ingredients we needed for our homemade popsicles. Lizzie insisted on picking out a rainbow assortment of fruits, while I grabbed some yogurt and honey for sweetness.

Back at my place, we cleared off the kitchen counter and laid out our ingredients like we were on a cooking show. Lizzie took charge, chopping up the fruits with precision and arranging them in the popsicle molds. I watched her work, admiring her focus and skill.

Once the molds were filled with colorful layers of fruit, yogurt, and honey, we carefully placed them in the freezer to set. As we waited for our creations to freeze, Lizzie and I sat at the kitchen table, reminiscing about old memories and making plans

for our next adventure. The anticipation of trying our homemade popsicles only added to the joy of being in each other's company. Lizzie's eyes sparkled with excitement, her laughter filling the room like music.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, I opened the freezer and took out the popsicle molds. With a sense of pride, we unveiled our frozen masterpieces, the vibrant colors glistening in the light. Lizzie's face lit up with delight, and I couldn't help but mirror her expression.

We grabbed a popsicle each and took a bite, savoring the refreshing taste bursting with fruity flavors and creamy sweetness. It was a moment of pure bliss, enjoying something we had created together from scratch.

With a hesitant voice, Lizzie spoke up, her words breaking the thick silence that had enveloped the room. She shifted in her chair, her eyes darting around nervously before settling on the person she wanted to ask a question of. The air felt heavy and tense as she gathered the courage to speak her mind. "Can I ask you something?" she finally managed to say.

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