Chapter 5

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Lizzie POV:

I open my eyes, and the first thing I see is


I lift my head a little to see y/n peacefully sleeping. Her pink tinted lips slightly parted, a strand of her raven hair on her face, The sounds of her little snores is cute. I can also hear her slow heart beats.

Her pink tinted lip makes me want to put mine on top of hers- Stop, she's your friend Lizzie. friends don't kiss each other or do the- they don't

I feel her warm body pressed against mine. I realized the position we're in. Both her arms is wrapped around my waist, her strong grip kept me in place, our legs are tangled, My chin is on her chest. We're basically cuddling. And I can't help but uncontrollably smile

Not only did I realized the position were in but I realized what we are wearing. Y/n is just wearing boxers and a sports bra and I'm just in one of y/n's shirt and in my underwear.

"Morning" Y/n voice rasped. "Morning" I reply. She removes her arm and goes to reach for her phone, giving me a clearer view of her chest. "Its 5am" She said while looking down at me

"Lets stay right here, your so comfortable." The word slipped out of my mouth before I could think. She smiles at me "Okay, sweetheart" I feel the butterflies in my stomach every time she calls me names.

She wrap her arm over my waist I blush at the physical contact but snuggle into her. She buries her hand in my hair playing with it, while her other hand is drawing circles on my back, setting me at ease. She inched forward putting her chin on top of my head.

She whispers some random words, I feel vibrations every time she talks making my eyelids feel heavy, setting me off to sleep.


I open my eyes and looked up at Y/n she was awake. She didn't know I was awake she was just playing with my hair. I move my legs because they felt dead, my leg grazes against her own.

She looked down at me and smiled I smile back at her. "What time is it?" I ask. "It just turned 8" She replies "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" She quizzed

"No thank you I'm good" my stomach growls betraying me.

She chuckles getting off the bed "first I'm going to change" she says as she stretch flexing her toned abs.

Gosh that v line is making me go crazy

She goes into the bathroom and got changed in short amount of time making me confused. "I would rush to get ready for school, before my mom comes in checking if I'm ready. its just a bad habit" She explains

"you can hop in the shower there's spare towels take some of my clothes, and I have spare toothbrushes, meet me downstairs" She says I just nod.

I got ready and as soon as I left the bedroom the aroma of the food hit my nose like a truck. It smelt amazing and got me drooling. I ran downstairs to see whatever Y/n made

I see Mk, Ashley, scarlett, Aubrey and florence sitting on stools silently laughing at something Ashley said. I turn my head to y/n and I see her cooking.

Y/n turns her head my direction. she wearing an apron but I can see the black turtle neck shirt she's wearing and the sweatpant "hello m'lady, did you have a good shower?" Y/n greets me, with her cute lopsided smile.

"The shower was great by the way but I have to ask what are you making?" I walk over to y/n then sat on the counter on her left, staring at her cutting some onions.

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