Chapter 8

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Y/n POV:

I was talking to Chris, we were talking about each other careers after I didn't want to play spin the bottle anymore. In the corner of my eye I saw Lizzie storm off up stairs.

"I've got to go, it was nice talking to you tho" I pat his shoulder before I left. I run up the stairs and walk over to the first room I see. I hear a few sniffles through the door. It was opened so I quietly walked into the room. And I saw Lizzie at the balcony.

I stood beside her, before speaking up. "Lizzie" She flinches, not expecting me. "Hi y/n, sorry I didn't know you were here" She apologized, wiping her tears. making me confused. "Its alright, Now tell me why a beautiful woman like you is crying at a balcony" I question with a raised brow.

"Its nothing don't worry" She said as she wiped her tears. "I can tell its not nothing, but I'm not going ask anymore before anger you" I say with a sigh.

"Thank you, y/n really" she replies genuinely, with a small smile forming on her lips. "Do you want to ditch the others and go somewhere?" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes. "You do know that doesn't work on me" She chuckles, making me pout

"Fine" She agrees, making me put her over my shoulder, I walk down the stairs and laugh each time she tries to escape from my grip. I make it to my car, as soon as I put her down she playfully punches me. "I know how to walk, you didn't have to carry me all the way here" She crosses her arms glaring at me

"Where are we going?" She questions while putting her seatbelt on. "To my house" was all I said before starting the car. We sang our heart out while listening to Taylor Swift, Lana Del Ray, the neighborhood and a few of my favorites artists.


Me and Lizzie already had changed into comfortable clothes and now we are in my kitchen baking cookies, we were planning to do an all-nighter, watching movies, playing games, eating lots of snacks, painting, etc. right now me and Lizzie are making ice-cream sandwich kind of like an oreo.

After me and Lizzie made our sandwiches, she ran upstairs and sat down on my bed and I set everything up while Lizzie choose the movie.

"Sausage Party, really?" I raised a brow, please tell me she doesn't think it is a children's cartoon. "What you don't like cartoons?" This woman is in for a surprise

Well this is going to be funny

"YOU KNEW IT WASN'T A CHILDRENS MOVIE!?" Lizzie yells with wide eyes, I bite my tongue trying not to laugh, but I failed miserably. We were barely even 10 minutes into the movie

"You think this funny!?" She yelled while stepping forward.

"No! I'm sorry! Please spare me!?" I put my hands in front of me, motioning for her to stop moving forward but she didn't stop. She just got closer tilting her head.

I fucked up

She straddles my lap, her body pressing against mine with an intense heat. I try to look away, feeling nervous and vulnerable under her gaze. "Look at me," she demands, grabbing my chin with a force that both scares and excites me. I can see the anger in her eyes, but it only fuels my desire for her.

I attempt to apologize, but it comes out as a weak whimper. She pins me down on the bed, her eyes dilating with lust as she leans in closer. I can feel her hot breath on my skin, igniting a fire within me. My hand instinctively reaches for her waist, feeling my member harden at the contact. And she knows it too, smirking against my lips as she looks at me.

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