Chapter 14

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Y/n POV:

After Cyra's intense yelling session, I decided it was time to introduce Lizzie to my bandmates.

"The one with the curly hair is Marcus," I said, pointing to our drummer. “He's our talented drummer, but also known as the prankster of the group, so be on guard around him." Beside Marcus stood Luell, our bass guitarist and our unofficial mom of the group. She takes care of us and makes sure we have everything we need,

"Luell is our mom figure in the group," I chuckled. "If you need anything or something goes missing, she's the one to go to first. Next we have Emris, our lead singer and music producer. He basically runs the show and handles almost everything behind the scenes. He's a true musical genius.”

I pointed to Nora next, who we all affectionately called Enora. “Nora is our rhythm guitarist and songwriter extraordinaire," I joked. “Nora here is my partner in crime when it comes to writing songs. We make a great team - she usually writes the bridge or chorus while I handle the verses” I turned to Cyra, who had been yelling just moments ago. “Cyra, our manager, is a crucial member of our team. She works closely with Emris on music production and their collaboration is exceptional. However, Cyra can be quite irritable at times so it's best to steer clear if she's in a bad mood. You might want to run for cover” I said with a laugh, knowing full well her grumpy demeanor could scare off anyone who crossed her.

"And last but certainly not least, me," I announced proudly. "I'm y/n Y/l/n, lead guitarist and main songwriter." I couldn't resist adding a little ego-boosting comment at the end. "And also the most amazing and good-looking person  in this room." I winked at Lizzie with a cocky smirk on my face which caused me to get a eye roll in return

Lizzie arched an eyebrow at my playful boast, clearly unimpressed. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, finding her lack of reaction refreshing amidst the boisterous personalities of my bandmates. As the introductions settled in, I could sense a growing camaraderie forming between Lizzie and the group. Emris offered her a warm smile, Marcus cracked a joke that made her laugh, and even Cyra managed a small grin in her direction.

It was a stark contrast to the usual tension that lingered in our rehearsals and meetings. With Lizzie's presence, there was a newfound lightness in the air, a sense of unity that transcended our individual quirks and egos. I watched as she interacted with each member, seamlessly fitting into our dynamic as if she had always belonged.


As we packed up our instruments and gear, I glanced over at Lizzie, who seemed to be fitting in with the group surprisingly well. She was chatting animatedly with Nora about their favorite bands, her initial shyness melting away as they discovered their shared love for a particular underground indie group.

I caught Cyra watching them with a soft smile on her face, a surprise contrast to her usual stern expression. It was moments like these that reminded us all of the camaraderie and bond we shared beyond just making music together. Despite our quirks and differences, we were a family in our own right.

As we said our goodbyes and headed out of the rehearsal space, I walked beside Lizzie. The night air was cool against my skin, a welcome relief after the intensity of our practice session. Lizzie glanced up at me, her eyes reflecting the dim glow of streetlights around us.

"Thanks for introducing me to everyone," she said softly, a hint of gratitude in her voice. "Your bandmates are... interesting."

I chuckled at her understatement, enjoying the way she observed our group dynamics with curiosity and intrigue. On our drive home. We sat in comfortable silence for a while until I felt her hand brush against mine. I intertwined our fingers without hesitation, a silent gesture of connection and understanding between us. 

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