Chapter 6

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Lizzie's POV:

"No, no more jokes I can't take it anymore" I stopped y/n before she tells me another horrible joke. "Fine I'll tell someone who will really listen to my jokes" She pouts crossing her arms and turning her head away from my direction.

"Your such a baby" I chuckle at her childish antics. "Does that mean I can get some milk from you"

"Ow! I'm sorry I was joking"  She groans after I kicked her in the balls. I stick my tongue out at her

"You better keep that tongue in mouth or I'll put it into better use" I roll my eyes she's just jokin... Right?

She leans over the table and grabs my jaw with a firm grip, she then leans closer. "Roll your eyes at me again and I'll give you a proper reason to roll them" I wanted to say something back but it just came out as a whimper. We both lean in closer at the same time, still keeping eye contact


I leaned back into my seat creating a gap between us. After our little moment was ruined, I kept my head low in embarrassment.

"Amy?" I hear Y/n say which caused me to look up at the woman who is looking at me with... Jealousy? "Amy! what are you over ther-" I hear a slightly deep voice before a man stood beside the woman named Amy I guess. He kind of reminds me of y/n I don't why but they look a bit similar

"Oh y/n's here too... And with someone else too" He turns to me but his eye goes down to my chest making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "I would appreciate it if you don't look at her cleavage Ian" Y/n speaks her voice is stern

"I don't care, I'll stare whenever I want to" He winks then smirks at me making me feel a whole other level of uncomfortable. "Ian I'm not joking, stop it" Y/n stood up glaring at the man.

"C'mon" He scoffs as y/n steps closer to him. "There's no way you would hit your brother because I was starting at her breasts"

"Your no brother to me after what you did-"

"Is there a problem here?" Alex comes out of nowhere breaking the awkward tension.

"The problem is literally right there" Y/n frowns glaring at the two. "Do you want me to kick them out? Cause I can make sure they never come to any of my events again"

"What! how is that fair!?" Amy yells causing a scene. "Amy I know we've known each other for long but I've heard what you and Ian did and I'm sorry to say that you'll have to leave the party immediately" I'm so confused. what the hell did they do?

"And what if we don't want to leave" Ian turned to Alex, whose staring at him with hatred. "Then I'll have security drag you out of the building"

"You, it's all your fault" She turned to me, yelling at my face but security came over and dragged them away. Well shit

"I'm sorry about them. I hope they won't stop you from having any fun" He apologized before leaving.

Y/n sigh's before sitting back down slumping in her seat. "I think we should get back to the others but I don't want to get out of the booth, I hate when people stare" She whines her hands instantly going to her face. "What should I do?" She removes her hands from her face then looks at me. "Don't look at me I had to witness some awkward shit going on" I shrugged at her question.

"Oh I'm sorry about that. That must've been really awkward for you" She let out a breathy chuckle. "But I think getting back to the others is better. Scarlett probably drank all the red wine" She adds.

"Sounds like something she'd do"



I lost motivation💀I'm tired asf😩

Here's a meme just for a laugh

Here's a meme just for a laugh

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I js learned what tribbing is.... Can smb do it w me😩

Bye pookie see ya next chapter😘

Words: 696

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