Chapter 10

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1 month later
Y/n pov:

"You know, you remind me of the moon," she blurted, making me turn to her with confusion as I raised a questioning eyebrow. She continued on, her voice soft and earnest. "For starters, you're beautiful - it's impossible to look away from you. You have this way of captivating people with your words and your presence, just like how the moon captivates us with its luminous glow. And whenever I'm around you, I feel safe and at ease, like I'm under the moon's gentle embrace." Her words hung in the air, filling the silence with an unspoken vulnerability. The moon slowly goes down as the sun goes up, casting a warm light over our conversation and illuminating our innermost thoughts and feelings.

"If I'm the moon that means that you're the sun," I replied with a smile, feeling a warmth spreading through my chest at her words. It had been three months since we had met at the club, and every moment since then had felt like a dream. She gazed at me with those mesmerizing eyes, reflecting the suns glow back at me as if to affirm her words.

With a pleading look on my face, I turn to Lizzie and ask, "Can we please build a fort?" My lips pouted dramatically as I bat my eyelashes in hopes of swaying her decision. The sun filters through the trees above us, casting dappled shadows on the bedroom floor. A gentle breeze carries the scent of pine and wildflowers, creating the perfect setting for an morning adventure. As I wait for Lizzie's response, my heart races with anticipation, imagining all the possibilities for our fort-building project.

"What are we, children?" Lizzie chuckles and shakes her head at my playful expression. But her eyes twinkle with amusement, giving away the fact that she's not as opposed to the idea as she wants me to believe. "Fine, but only because I can't resist that adorable pout of yours," she concedes, a fond smile tugging at the corners of her lips. I can't help but let out a triumphant grin, feeling like I've just won a hard-fought battle.

We set off through the house, hand in hand, in search of the perfect spot to build our fort. The birds chirping in the distance, the leaves rustling in the wind like a secret shared between friends, adding to the symphony of nature that surrounds us. As we gather blankets and pillows for our fort, I steal glances at Lizzie.

Her hair glows like spun gold under the sunlight streaming through the windows, and I can't help but marvel at how lucky I am to have her by my side. Lizzie's infectious laughter fills the room, echoing off the walls like music, as we gather supplies for our impromptu fort. It's moments like these that make me feel alive, like everything in the world is just as it should be.

Finding the perfect spot in the living room, we start constructing our fortress of blankets and pillows with precision and care. Lizzie's eyes sparkle with joy and mischief, her enthusiasm contagious as she drapes a flowery blanket over our makeshift structure. The room is filled with laughter and whispers, our voices blending together in a symphony of shared moments.

As we settle into our cozy den, surrounded by soft fabrics and the warmth of each other's company, I catch Lizzie stealing glances at me when she thinks I'm not looking. I admiring the way the sunlight danced in her hair and the way her eyes lit up with each new idea for our fort. The air was filled with a sense of joy and excitement, our laughter mixing with the rustle of fabric as we constructed our sanctuary. In that moment, surrounded by makeshift walls and soft cushions, I felt a profound sense of peace wash over me. This fort wasn't just a structure of blankets and pillows; it was a symbol of our bond, a tangible representation of the love and happiness we shared.

As we settled into our cozy hideaway, Lizzie nestled beside me, her head resting on my shoulder. The warmth of her body pressed against mine sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me that burned brighter than any sun. Our fingers intertwined as we gazed up at the ceiling of our fort, watching the series Once Upon A time playing from the projector screen we had set up. The soft glow of the screen illuminated our faces, casting flickering shadows across the fort walls. (A/n You should watch it 😉)

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