chapter 3

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When we walked in, the security escorted us to the vip section

"Okay, we are definitely getting drunk tonight," Jess yelled over the blasting music.

"Y/n!" Jess shrieks in my ear."What got you so excited?" I quizzed. "Look behind you, isn't he hot?" She wisppers in my ear. I turn my head to get a glimpse of him. I turned my head back to her and gave her 'Are you serious' look. He looks like he was barely able to sneak onto earth and managed to do so with a 1 percent chance

"Well You be you... I guess" I said as the concern looks obviously on my face. She got up to talk to him. I just let her do her thing it didn't really bother me that much

I decided to go get another drink because I had already finished my drink. But someone caught my eye. She has angelic green eyes, beautiful blonde hair that flows down her shoulders, a black dress that hugs her slim body. I've never seen someone as stunning as her.

We made eye contact, and I decided to go up to her and get to know her. "Hello love," I say with a small smirk on my lips. Her cheeks tinted a light red, clearly not expecting the nickname. 

"Hello, Miss flirty" she said with a smile on her lips.

I put my hands on top of my heart and pretended to be flattered. "Thanks for the compliment but... you haven't even heard the rest" I whispered the last part in her ear, she giggled. She's a bit tipsy.

"So I caught you staring at me not so long ago?" She said with a raised eyebrow. "What? No! I wasn't staring...I-I," she tilted her head, making me very nervous. "I was looking at something behind you!" She laughs at my lame excuse.


I bought two drinks as we got into a deep conversation. Drinking, laughing at each others jokes, getting to know each other, and lots more. I got her number and found out her name is Elizabeth, but I prefer Lizzie.

We were in the middle of a conversation until Jess came up to me. " Y/n, I miss youuuuu and as your bestie you will neva eva leave me againnnn" she slurs. This idiot obviously is drunk.

"Bloody hell, how much did you drink?" I question, knowing she won't answer. I turned to Lizzie, giving her an apologizing look. "it's fine. I don't mind" she said. "No it's not, I know you're going to miss my funny jokes" I say while winking at her but she just laughed it off. Gosh her laugh is so addicting. "Although we have to go, may I get your number m'lady?"

"You may, now give me your phone"

"Not even a please?" I hand the phone over and she gives it back after a few seconds. Damn that was fast

"Text me when you get home"

"Sure but are you okay with staying here alone?" I question I mean this place probably has some perverted weirdos that can't keep their hands to themselves. "I can drive you home if you want"

"Are you sure I don't want to seem like a burden-" "It's fine, i was the one that offered" i held out my left hand for her to hold onto while I lead her out club.

When we reached the car I opened the door for her. "Such a gentlewoman" she teased as I place Jess in the backseat. "Shut up" I roll my eyes.

"I already sent you my address"

"How do you type so fast?" She shrugged with a cheeky grin. "I guess It's a talent of mine" she giggles. Yep still tipsy

Luckily, I didn't really drink too much so I could drive. I arrived at Lizzie's house and walked her up to her door of course. "Thank you for the drive I owe you one"

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