Chapter 7

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Lizzie's POV:

After the party Y/n drove Mk and Ashley to their penthouse. Scarlett decided she wanted to see Rose again so Y/n also drove her home along with Florence. Aubrey and I decided to stay with Y/n since we honestly had nothing to do

I wake up hearing my alarm go off. I grab my phone and was about to turn it off but it then reminded me that it was Trent's birthday tomorrow. Shit I have to get everything ready. Why did I tell him I'm hosting the party.

"What got this Beautiful woman so stressed early in the morning?" Y/n morning voice rasps, I turn my head to only see y/n putting a shirt on. 

"My brother's birthday is today and I forgot about it, not only that but, I have to plan the party" I groan, putting the sheets over my head. "Just have the party at my party house, plus I have lots of party decorations in the closet" She suggested, I remove the blanket from over my head checking if she's serious.

 "Are you sure?" I question with a raised eyebrow. "Anything for you" I felt my cheeks heat up as I turn away hoping she didn't see my flustered self. "I'm going to make breakfast, then we'll drive to the party house and decorate" She said with smile.


After breakfast we did as planned and went to y/n's party house Aubrey and Scarlett wanted to help which was alright, Mk and Ashley git an uber to work but they said they'll be there at the party.

Y/n wasn't lying when she said, she had 'lots' of party decorations and she did have multiple color options which was really helpful. Scarlett comes into the room with each of our coffees "Who wants coffee?" Scarlet sang in her singing voice. "Me I really fucking need it" Aubrey was the first one to speak, I chuckle at her answer. We sat there drinking our coffees and cracking a few jokes. 

We continued to decorate the house, and the finished product was magnificent, it kinda give me club vibes but who cares?. I sent everyone the location of the party house. I checked the time its only 6pm. "We only have two hours to get ready and finish cooking" I tell the three women in front of me.


"Why can't I eat the food right now" Aubrey whines, as I roll my eyes. "Cause its for the guests!" I say, stating the obvious. "So what am I?" She furrows her eyebrows, Scar laugh at our little argument. "Woahh, That's a lot of people" Y/n announced, making me turn my attention outside the window

"I know I told Trent to bring as much people he wants." I blurted, not noticing that Aubrey opened the door.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I realized who it was "Damn, Lizzie you really out did yourself" I hear Mk say, and see Ashley with a shocked expression. I just laughed it off. 

After greeting most of the guest, I walked over to the bar bored. I see rdj annoying scar, I look  around for Aubrey and she's chewing on the food as expected. This woman is a sucker for food. "Lizzie! Sebastian is looking for you!" I hear Trent yell. he's on the couch with a few of his friends. I also see Y/n, Mk, Sebastian, Anthony and Chris E and a few others on a different couch. I walk over wanting to know why sebastian called me for. "We're playing spin the bottle do you want to play?" Seb asked, a part of me said I should play and the other says the opposite "Sure"

I shrug what could go wrong?

Chris spins the bottle and it lands on one of the girls Trent invited, "No pecks, just making out" Anthony adds and the others nod. The girl gets up and staddles Chris lap and leans down to connect their lips, it wasn't awkward or lustful just making out, but then they separating for air. 

So far nobody landed on me or y/n. I mean most people came over hear to make out with me or y/n. 

It was now Mk turn, she spins the bottle and my heart stopped beating for a second. It landed on Y/n. 

For some reason, I really felt uncomfortable thinking of Y/n and Mk making out, it could be anyone but y/n.

I watch as Mk gets up and straddle Y/n's lap, She grabs y/n's collar and instantly connecting their lips. y/n hand goes to caress Mk hair as her other hand goes to Mk waist making her grip on y/n shirt. After a little while the two then separate, breathing heavily

It felt like my heart went on a rollercoaster then bounce off and got run over by a truck. The frown on my face didn't go unnoticed by Aubrey who was just watching the thing go on, with wide eyes while she has food stuffed in her mouth.

I felt someone grab me by arm and drag me away from the group and dragging me into the bathroom.

"Lizzie you dont look so good. Are you okay?" Scarlett asked with a worried look on her face. "It's nothing dont worry" I assured scar with a smile but Aubrey came out of nowhere and decided to open her fat ass mouth "She looked really hurt, like very hurt" Aubrey says pointing at me

"Lizzi-" "Just let it go" was all I said before storming out of the room and going up stairs to a random room, hoping that nobody followed me


sorry for not publishing the chapter sooner😔 (I have school 😭)

Anyways here's a meme js for a laugh

Anyways here's a meme js for a laugh

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I js ate a fly😒😔

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I js ate a fly😒😔

Bye pookie see ya later😘

Words: 1008

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