I believe anything is possible

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I find my way back to star labs after discovering that I could run almost as fast as the speed of sound. Caitlyn Cisco and Dr. Wells made plans to go through a local abandon airport in the starlight van to test my abilities.

"You don't really think he can run that fast, do you?" Caitlin asks Dr. Wells

" I believe anything is possible Dr. snow" wells responds "and in a few minutes maybe you will to."

" How's it fit?" Cisco yells into the van.

" I think it's a little snug" Barry says he opens the doorsteps up onto the cracked asphalt.

"Dr. wells will be monitoring your progress and Caitlin your vitals" Cisco says as he attaches a head set to the helmet I am wearing.

"What do you do" I ask him he smiles and replies.

"I make the toys man, like this two-way headset it's made to combat battlefield noise or in your case sonic booms which would be cool."

Caitlin approaches and begins to calibrate the harness used to monitor my vitals. She had a very blank expression. She notices that I am looking.

"What? She asks.

"Nothing I just notice that you don't smile very much" I respond.

"Well, my once promising career is over, my boss is in a wheelchair, and the same explosion that injured you also killed my fiancé. This blank expression seems like the way to go" she says as she walks away.

"Mr. Allen although I am intrigued to find out the range of your abilities, I do caution restraint" Dr. Wells says as he looks over at me.

I smile and get in position to start running.


I am currently in the lab I now share with Barry Allen. I had heard that he and Iris were witnesses to a strange event that happened today. Barry swears that it's Clyde Mardon, but Joe didn't believe him. They kind of had it out at the scene. I know Barry had just woken up from a coma, was he affected by the particle accelerator like I was? There was no way, right? They would have told me.  I sat at my desk running some fingerprints from a few of the other cases that we had in the lab. I knew I would eventually have to tell someone about the powers I had. I was pulled from my thoughts by Captain Singh.

"Raymond, I have a few more backlogged cases for you to do." he says putting a rather large box of files on my desk.

"A few?" I asked with a small chuckle.

"Allen was away for 9 months so we have a lot to catch up on" He says with no emotion and walks out the door.

"Well that could have gone better" I mumble. I pull out my phone and text the only other person in this world that I can trust. Oliver Queen. My best friend that I met in school, although he was older than me. I knew we would always be close.

-text sent- Hey ollie.

-Hey Dans, how is Central City? -

-It would be better with you, But I got the job I wanted-

-really that's great Dani-

-Thanks ollie, I'll come visit soon I Promise-

-see you soon Dani-

I always knew talking to Oliver would help. He was Ronnie's age. I was right under a couple of years younger than them. I also missed Thea. I was 15 when Oliver got lost at sea with his dad. I was already in central city when he came back. I had been back a couple of times to see him. I Just never stayed long. I didn't want to see my "parents".  I put my phone away and started to work on the cases from the huge box.

                         Joes Pov

Eddie and I had just been thrown back and Mardon was creating a tornado. I run and grab Eddie and help him outside where they are pushed back into their car. Suddenly something flies through the air almost hitting us. Out of nowhere a flash of red and yellow throws the object out of the way and landing under it in the process. He stands up throwing the part of the roof off of him. He looks over to where we were. He focuses his attention on the tornado that Mardon had created.

"How do I stop it guys" he asked into the comms.
Do I know that voice? I wonder.

"What if I cut off its legs by running around it, I'm the opposite direction?"  The man in red begins running around and around the base of the tornado. I thought he had given up when he stopped but once again, he ran and ran around the bottom of the bow huge tornado and finally dissipated.  The man in red confronted Mardon telling him they weren't the same. That Mardon chose to be a murderer. When Mardon pulled a gun on him I reacted by running and shooting him. As the man in red turned around, I seen my son. Barry Allen. He was the man on red and he could run faster than the speed of sound.  I feel to my knees in front of him. Thank goodness he was okay. 


I leaned up against the car with how as the area of the barn was now an active crime scene.

"You really did see something in your house the night your mom died, and your dad really is innocent" he looks over at me "and I didn't believe you."
He looks down and then back up to me.

"Listen I don't want you to tell Iris what you can do. I don't want you to tell her about any of it promise me?"
Man, how am I supposed to keep this from Iris?

A/n: so sorry that this part is a little short but I am working on the next couple of parts! Also any idea for superhero names for Danielle????

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