The seperation of Firestorm

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Danielle's pov
We're sitting in the med bay at star labs and I'm looking over some of the test results from professor stein.
"Are you feeling okay?" Cait ask him.
"I'm a little warm" he replies
"Ronnie use to always run warm" she smiles
"Yeah but not this warm Cait" I say turning the computer towards her.
"Can we talk to him?" I ask him.
"I'm sorry my dear" but it's dosent work like that. But I get these flashes of memories I know aren't my own. One is particularly strong, its Piedmont state park, famous for the Hudson falls. I know that I have never been, but I can remember the waterfalls perfectly" he says.
"That's where Ronnie proposed to me" Caitlin says smiling a bit.
"And another one is inside of an apartment here in central city, and watching the Big Bang theory and eating popcorn and pizza.. I despise pizza" he says.
"We had a lot of movie nights." I say smiling back at him.
"He loves you both very much, that I can feel" he says.
"Dr. Snow, Danielle, can you come here please" dr. Wells says over the intercoms.
"Excuse us" we say as we exit.
"You guys okay?" Barry asks as we walk in the cortex.
We both nod "it's just confusing" Cait says.
"What's not confusing is what's happening to Ronnie's body now. His body is rejecting steins atoms. Like a host would reject a parasite. I worry if his temperature continues to rise, it will set off a chain reaction."
"Then what happens?" I ask
"He could go nuclear" dr. Wells says.

Ciscos pov
Seeing Ronnie sitting on the table.
"Ronnie?? I ask
He gives me a look.
"Not Ronnie" I say.
"Martin stein" he extends his hand out to me.
"Cisco Ramon" I say shaking his hand
"Your colleagues are in the next room, not so subtly discussing my condition."
I walk out into the Cortex.
"That's not freaky at all" I say
"It seems the fight with the flash has exacerbated the firestorm matrix.its unstable" dr wells says.
"How long does he have?" Cait asks
"If this rate keeps up, no more than a couple of hours" dr wells replies
"But you can fix it right? You can separate them before it's too late?" Barry asks.
"Any attempt we make to seperate the two of them could be result in a nuclear explosion that would level the entire city... unless.. "
"Unless what?" Danielle asks
"Unless the host body were no longer functional" dr wells says.
"You wanna kill Ronnie?" Cait asks
"No I don't wanna kill Ronnie" wells replies. "But in this case Ronnie is the host body."
"If you kill Ronnie you kill stein that's 2 people" I say.
"I don't know how else to stop it" wells says "and if Ronnie and stein knew, they would make The same decision. It's their 2 lives for
Millions" wells adds.
"Can you give us a mintue?" Danielle asks.

Daniells pov
"Danielle" wells starts
"I have already lost Ronnie once, I'm not gonna loose him again. You said we have a couple of hours. Use them" I say looking him in the eyes. I walk away from wells. Going back to the med bay. When I over hear a conversation between Barry and Ronnie.
"Hey" Barry says "sorry"
"Can I get you anything or??" Barry begins
"A glass of chateau haut-Bruno pessac-leognan 1982. Might be nice. Or maybe it wouldn't. This body's tastebuds are obviously different from my own, perhaps I'm not a light beer man" he chuckles
"There are worse things to be" barry replies
"You mean like a living nuclear bomb?" Ronnie asks.
"You know? Barry asks.
"Unstable nuclear fission was always a danger in the transmutation process.. plus you all argue very loudly" he says walking out into the hallway and running into Danielle.
"I'm so sorry ro... professor Stein" she offers a small smile.
"Our friends are gonna find a way to fix things" Barry says.
"I remember you Mr. Allen, from the train. Where you were on your way to star labs with a girl who was not your girlfriend" he laughs.
"Yeah but now I do have a girlfriend" he smiles over at Danielle.
"You know, Einstein was not only brilliant, he had a great sense of humor" he says.
"Any man who drives safely who'll kissing a pretty girl is not giving the pretty girl the attention she deserves" he looks back at Barry who nods.
"If I have learned anything this last year, is that life is too short not to live" he smiles.
"Thanks professor stein" I say watching him walk out.
"You know what Barry? I love you" I say turning to face him.
"I love you too Dani" he smiles and kisses me.

Barry's pov
"Hey" I say walking into the cortex
"We have an idea, a bit of a Hail Mary, but Cisco and I are gonna give it a try" wells says.
"Thank you" Cait says smiling.
"I'll get professor stein" I say
Cisco barges in and says "looking for the professor? Yeah he's gone" we all look at each other solemnly.
Cisco and wells start working on the quantum splicer and Barry rushes to get his flash suit.
"We found stein, he's in the badlands" Cait says from beside Danielle.
"Middle of nowhere 30 miles outside of central city." Danielle replies
"Minimum safe distance" Cisco says
"He's sacrificing himself" wells adds
"How much time does he have left?" I ask.
"12 minutes" Danielle replies
"Okay we're done" wells says putting the splicer together.
Cait grabs it from him and says "I'm going with you"
I reply "no you're not it's too dangerous"
"Barry doesnt how to work the splicer" Cait says
"There's no time to have Cisco talk you through it Barry, go" Danielle says.
"Go" wells says and we both disappear from sight.

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