Hero in the making

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Daniells Pov 

"So let me get this straight, I am basically a human sized lightbulb?"  I ask looking up from the paper that held my test results. 

"Well if a lightbulb could melt steel, then yes" Cisco says looking over at me. 

Things with Cisco were improving. He had apologized for storming out and I apologized for keeping my powers a secret. We had a good way to go but that was the first step. 

"We still need to run a few more tests to fully understand the scope of your powers Ms. Raymond" Dr. Wells says wheeling in the cortex. "I also think you need to learn how to control them, so I brought a friend." 

I suddenly felt a gust of wind and then there was papers flying all around the cortex. I was then once again face to face with the Scarlet Speedster himself.  Caitlin huffed and began picking up papers. 

"You know Flash, you can make an entrance without causing such a mess" she said giving him a side eyed look. 

"Sorry Dr. Snow" he said his voice the same vibrating sound as before. 

"So I am assuming you are going to teach me how to control my new abilities Mr. Streak?" I ask looking at him. 

"Yes, but it's the Flash now." He says and smiles over to me.

"Okay then let's get to it then."  I say walking by him brushing shoulders with him feeling the same electric feeling I felt when Barry touched my hand last night. Hmmmm... That's strange. 

Barry's Pov

After a few hours of training Danielle had headed home. I had to go meet Iris and talk her out of writing the blog anymore. She had already put her name on it. I ran over to Jitter's to talk to her. Disguising my voice, I begged her to stop writing about me. I told her it was dangerous. She didn't listen. Man, Joe is going to kill me. Just then I hear Cisco in my earpiece. informing me of a meta human situation. I sped off and raced to the scene. 

-back at Star Labs-

"He seemed familiar." I said to my team in the Cortex after being checked out by Caitlin. Thank you speed healing. I really got my ass handed to me out there. 

"His name is Tony Woodward" Joe says. 

"Oh great" I say as I facepalm myself. 

"Do you know him Bar?" Joe asks.

"Yeah, he is the one person who made my life a living hell in school. How do I compete with a man who is made of steel?

"Well theoretically if you got a run and go you would have enough force to take him down" Cisco says eating a Red Vine. "You would need approximately a 5.3 mile head start."

"Or he would shatter his entire body Cisco." Caitlin says in shock.

"Dr. Wells what do you think?" I ask.

"I think your safety is more important than a hypothetical solution." he responds. 

"I think I may have something that can prepare you." Cisco says smiling.

This is never a good thing. I think following Cisco out of the cortex. 

Danielle's Pov

The beeping of my alarm brings me out of my peaceful slumber. I get up and head to the shower. I finish getting ready for work I realize that I have enough time to stop by jitters to get some coffee. I walk in and see Iris talking to some customers. Perfect Iris. No wonder Barry was in love with her in school and no doubt to this day as well. 

"Danielle, right? Barry's new assistant?" Iris asks walking to the table I was sitting at.

"Yeah, just call me Dani." I smile. She writes down something on a piece of paper and passes it to me. 

"Thats Barry's number, He may not realize this yet but he likes you." she smiles at me. 

"Umm Iris I don't think he does. We just work together" I stammer. 

"Oh, trust me girl, I see the way his eyes light up when he talks about you." she replies.

Instead of arguing or trying to deny it I take the paper and politely thank her. I type the number in my phone and save it under his name. I grab my coffee and head towards the precinct. 

-at Star Labs- 

Barry's POV

"They are at an elementary school" Cisco tells me. 

"I know where they are" I say. 

After getting my ass handed to me for most of the fight, I remember something Joe once told me. 

"It's okay to run if you can't win a fight Barry." 

I take off. I reach the distance and I take a deep breath. I speed off in the direction of Girder. When my punch lands it knocks him out and we are able to get him to star labs.

"So, whose childhood bully is next?" Cisco asks laughing.

Suddenly my phone pings. 

-text sent-

-Hey Barry Its Dani- 

-Dani? How did you get my number? -

-Umm... Iris gave it to me today at Jitters. - 

-Oh okay that's okay-

-Can you meet me? I want to ask you something. - 

-Sure. Be there in ten- 

Smiling at my phone like an idiot, I put it away. I was beginning to think maybe I wasn't meant to be with Iris. 

I ran home to change and then back to Danielle's Apartment. 

I knocked on the door and she opened it. She was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and had her hair tied up in a ponytail. 

"Hey Bar" she smiled. "Come in." 

I smelt the Pizza. My stomach growled.

"I wanted to thank you for telling the Flash so he could help me." She smiles handing me a plate. 

"I hope you like Pepperoni, olives, and jalapeños." She chuckles. 

"That is actually my favorite Pizza Dani." I smile back at her. 

"Really? mine too!" she responds. I also got chocolate chip cookie dough Ice cream in the freezer for dessert." She says and takes a bite of pizza. 

"Dans, you didn't have to do all of this for me." I say noticing the butterflies that now fluttered in my stomach. 

She smiled and responded "I did it because I wanted too. I wanted to get a fresh start between us." 

After we finished the pizza and the Ice Cream. We talked for a couple of hours about life and everything in between. I noticed it was getting late and she was getting sleepy. 

"Dans it is getting late, I should go" I say standing up and grabbing my coat. 

"Ill walk you to the door." she smiles and walks over to the door beside me. 

"Thank you again Barry Allen" She almost whispers as she looks up at me. I didn't realize how close we were. I could feel the heat radiating off of her body. I looked down into her beautiful eyes.  I almost closed the gap between our lips when my phone rang. 

"I'm sorry" I said grabbing my phone. I have to go. "I'll see you at work tomorrow Dans." I say leaving her alone in her doorway. 

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