I am not the only one

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Barry's Pov

I watched as the mysterious girl I now shared a lab with walked away. I noticed she dropped some papers from her desk as she hurried to get away. I noticed there were burnt edges on one of the papers. Was she affected to? I knew there was no way to know for sure just how many people were affected that night. In the last few months, the team at star labs and I had encountered many metas. The most recent being Bette. The human atomic bomb. I wanted to help her so much. Her death really opened my eyes. Not all meta humans were going to be bad. They all deserved a chance to make things right. I knew there had to be others who wanted to save people too. I looked down at the paper again and asked myself if Danielle needed help would she want it from me? I pulled out my phone and dialed cisco's number. He answered on the third ring

"What's up Barry?" he asks.

"Hey cisco, did you guys ever run any tests on Danielle?" I question.

"No why would we?" He replies.

"I think she is a meta human Cisco." I state.

"There is no way she is a meta, she would have told us." Cisco stammers.

"I am on my way to star labs now." I respond.

Within seconds I was standing in front of Cisco and Caitlin in the cortex. He handed the charred papers to them, and they both looked at each other.

"These burn marks are similar to those left by a light source, not a flame." Cait says and looks at Barry "This could have happened if they were left near a lamp or desk light Barry."

"Cait she was extremely hot when I tried to stop her." I defend.

"Barry, she just lost her brother. Not to mention she found out her whole life was a lie."

I look back at Caitlin and asks, "What do you mean?"

"Barry, she grew up with an adoptive family in Star City. She moved here and lived with Ronnie when she turned 16 and found out she was adopted. She moved here because she found out Ronnie was her brother" Caitlin says and walks over to me.

"I didn't know... She is really quiet and doesn't really talk much." Barry looks at the floor. "I just want to help her she seems so lost" I look over to Cisco. "Cisco do you have her address?" I ask.

"Barry keep in mind that she is hurting" Caitlin says.

"I know Cait but there is something more going on" I say walking over to Cisco's Computer and imprinting the address in my mind. Leaving a breeze behind me I run to her apartment.

Danielle's Pov

I sit on the edge of my bed and look over at the picture of Ronnie and I that was on my nightstand.

"Ronnie what do I do? I don't know how much longer I can keep this to myself" I mutter placing my face in my hands and plopping back on my bed. I hear a soft knock on my door. I walk to the door and look through the peephole surprised at who is on the other side. I open the door slowly.

"Barry?" I look at him with surprise. "What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?" Before he can answer I answer for him "Cisco" I chuckle. He nods and looks at me.

"Can I come in? I promise I just want to talk." he asks.

"Sure" I say and step to the side and let him through the door.

"Thanks for not slamming the door in my face" he lets out a small laugh and he turns to look at me.

"Barry what are you doing here?" I ask with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I didn't like the way we left things at work and since we are coworkers and friends, I want to fix it" he begins.

"Barry. A guy who barely knows me? " I question. "We might have been working together for a few months but we barley know each other...We aren't considered friends. Just two people affected by the same damn accident" I cut him off. I can feel my blood pressure start to rise.

"Danielle, you are so guarded, and you have the right to be, but I am trying here" His voice raises slightly. He looks directly into my eyes.

"Barry I was hired to be your assistant and to help you with all backlogged work from the last 9 months while you were napping" I fire back "I wasn't hired to be your friend" My body began to heat up again. He looks away for a moment and then turns to me.

"Danielle, I know that under all this pain you are a different person. I have heard so many stories from Cisco and Caitlin. You can't hide under all this grief and pain forever." he says looking away and staring out the window.

I had already heard this a million times before. I don't understand why everyone thinks they have to fix me. I felt the outburst of my powers coming. I couldn't stop it. I looked away from Barry.

"Barry, you need to leave...now" I said through gritted teeth.

"No... Danielle, I want to help you" he says turning to me.

"Barry. Please." I turn to face him my hands and eyes glowing a bright white. "I cannot control it and you are going to get hurt" I whimper and try to back away.

"Danielle It is okay I promise, just focus on my voice and close your eyes" he says softly.

I listen to him. I calm myself and I feel a rush of wind and suddenly I am standing in the middle of the cortex at star labs.

"Danielle?" Cisco asks spinning around in his chair.

"Umm...Hi? I reply looking over to him. I turn around and the streak himself is standing behind me.

What have I gotten myself into?

Authors Note: Please vote! Thanks for reading if you have stuck around!

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