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Danielle's Pov

"Oliver I am telling you Barry Allen almost kissed me." I say digging into the bowl of ice cream.

"Dani, why are you so surprised by that? He would be a fool not to like you."

"I don't know Oliver I have not seen anyone since leaving Star City. I had 1 high school boyfriend, and he was a sleaze." I look over at him. 

"Hey, you said it not me" he laughs. 

"When are you ever going to tell Felecity how you feel?" I question him.

"How did you know?" he asks sounding shocked. 

"Ollie, I have known you for years." I sigh. "Just make sure you don't push her away; Even the Green Arrow can get the girl." I add and begin to eat my ice cream again. 

"Dans, how do you know that I am the green arrow?" he asks me. 

"Really? I have seen the pictures from yours and the flash's showdown last night, I know those eyes anywhere Olliekins" I chuckle and smile at him. 

"Dans, I think if Barry does like you, then you should try it." he lets out a small chuckle. 

"Okay Ollie, If he ever talks to me again that is." I place my bowl on the coffee table. Oliver gets up and heads towards the door to leave. 

"Oh Ollie, don't forget.' I make my eyes glow. "I am a meta now so if you need me. Call me" I smile and walk over to him to hug him before he leaves. He chuckles and kisses me on the temple.' 

"Sure thing Ray." he chuckles and leaves as I shut the door behind him. 

Ray? has a pretty nice ring to it. 

Barry's Pov

It had been a couple of months since I almost kissed Danielle. We had only seen each other at work and when my alter ego was training her to control her meta human abilities. I think I might have scared her. Which I honestly wouldn't be surprised by. I have horrible luck when it comes to expressing my feelings. After the whole thing with Bivalo and fighting Oliver. I really did not want her to see me that way. I had so much on my mind. I had figured out who had killed my mother. It was the man in the yellow suit. We were working on a way to trap him.

It is almost Christmas. Maybe I should just break through all this awkwardness and buy Danielle a gift. I know just who to talk to. I grab my phone and dial Cisco. 

After running to Star Labs, stopping to grab their gifts along the way. I walk into the Cortex to find Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells. 

"Hey guys I brought presents and Eggnog" I smile holding up the bag and thermos. 

"No thanks, wouldn't want to drink and drive" Dr. Wells says wheeling off.

"I am going to go buy him a gift to cheer him up" Caitlin says grabbing her car keys and phone "I am going to ask Danielle to tag along" She adds walking out to the elevator.

"Alright Cisco, you know her better than anyone." I say as I walk towards him.

"Actually, Oliver Queen holds that title." he responds. 

"Wait Dans knows Oliver queen, they were just here helping us with Bivalo. I wonder if she knows he is the Green Arrow?" I asked shocked that it had never been mentioned before. 

"Yeah, they were really close when she lived in Star City. Her dad worked for Oliver's Dad." He mumbles sipping his eggnog. 

"I think I need to pay a visit to Mr. Queen." I say leaving a gust of wind as I head towards Star City.

I arrive to Star City and make my way to Oliver's Club/bunker after calling him. I walk down the stairs to the bunker and see Felicity her back to the stairs. I walk up and gently tap her on the shoulder. 

"Hey Fel.." She turns arounds and yelps. "licity" I finish my sentence. 

"Barry Allen don't scare me like that" she scolds me. 

"I am here to see Oliver. I want to ask him about Danielle." 

"Danielle Collins, or Raymond now, isn't it? she asks. 

"Yeah, I want to get her a Christmas present, and Cisco said Oliver knew her better than anyone" I say leaning against the desk. 

"That would be a true statement" Oliver says walking down the stairs into the bunker. "She is like a sister to me." he adds walking over to us. 

"Well, what should I get her then?" I ask him and he ponders my question for what seems like an eternity before he responds.

"She is very sentimental; I think a locket with a picture of her and her brother would be a good choice." he says looking down at his phone and then showing me a picture. "They have this one at a Jewlery store in central city" Just then my phone pings. "There is the perfect picture." The picture is of her and Ronnie at Star Labs. This is no doubt taken a few days before the explosion. She looks so happy. She is so beautiful. and I know she misses Ronnie. 

"Thank you, Oliver." I smile nodding towards my phone. "This is perfect." I say. 

I start to walk towards the stairs "Bye guys I'll see you guys again soon." I say waving.

"Barry." Olivers voice stops me. "If you hurt her, I will make your life a living hell." 

"Oliver, I won't." I say smiling. Leaving a small whoosh as a I run back to Central City. 

I had finished up wrapping Danielle's gift when my phone rang. It was Cisco. 

"What's up Cisco? 

"Barry, we trapped the man in yellow. He got away but he almost killed wells."

All that could be a heard was a woosh as the flash made his way to Star Labs. 

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