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Danielle's Pov.

It was Christmas eve. I was still going back and forth between the idea of buying Barry a Christmas gift. I really did not know where to even begin. I sat on my couch and suddenly it hit me. I know someone who does know him. I picked up my phone and I texted the one person who knew Barry better than anyone. Iris.

-text sent-

-Hey Iris, got a minute? -

-Yeah girl. What do you need? -

-Meet me at Jitters in about 20 minutes?"

-Sure thing-

After arriving over at Jitters before Iris. I sat at a table after getting myself a coffee. I looked up to see her come through the door a few minutes later and head for my table.

"Hey Dani, what did you need to talk to me about?" she asked sipping the coffee she had gotten herself.

"I think I want to get Barry a present for Christmas. He has been really helpful recently in helping me open up about everything, and I'd like to thank him." I smile up at her.

"Thats really sweet of you, he is really sentimental so just think of something along those lines" she smiles. "I hate to run but I promised my dad I would come early and help him out with the cooking" she gets up to leave and turns and smiles at me "Dani I really think you two would be good together."

"Thanks Iris" I say as she walks away and out of jitters.

I didn't have much time, but I knew exactly what I wanted to do and with that I called Joe and asked him to send me over the photo I needed.

Barry's Pov

I was extremely nervous. I had texted Danielle last night. She had invited me over Christmas morning. I didn't know how she was going to react to my gift. I just wanted everything to be perfect. I finally decided on a white button up and jeans. I grabbed her gift and whooshed over to her building. I walked slowly up the stairs and knocked softly up the stairs. When she finally opened it, she looked so simple yet beautiful. She was wearing a simple red sweater and dark jeans with gold earrings and simple gold chain around her neck.

"You look beautiful Dans." I said stepping past her into her apartment.

"Thank you, Mr. Allen, you clean up nice as well." she smiled walked towards her kitchen. "Would you like some hot cocoa?" she asked me.

"Sure" I smiled and sat her gift on the counter to take the mug.

"So, I decided to get you a gift to thank you for helping me and getting the Flash to help me control my powers." she hands me a small neatly wrapped gift.

"Thank you Dans, you shouldn't have." I say opening the gift carefully.

"It's not much, I actually just finished it up about an hour ago." she smiles over her mug of hot chocolate.

I looked at the beautiful, framed sketch of me as an adult with my mom and my dad. I had never received such a thoughtful gift. It was framed in a beautiful Chesnut brown frame. The sketch captured the color of my mother's eye beautifully. I feel the tears that start to fill my eyes and I look up at Danielle.

"Dans, this is beautiful, I don't know what to say." I wipe the tears that had escaped down my cheeks.

"Barry, it's the least I could do." she says as she takes my hands in hers. "You helped me." she says smiling up at me.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I say as I turn and grab her gift from the counter. Handing her the small box wrapped in a deep red wrapping paper and topped with a small golden bow.

"Barry, you shouldn't have." she says unwrapping the small box. She placed the wrapping paper beside her and gently opened the box revealing the small gold locket that was placed inside. She opened it and her hand flew to her mouth to hide the small gasp that escaped her lips. "Barry, this is beautiful. This is my favorite photo of Ronnie and I" The tears started flowing down her cheeks and a few dripped on the box that held the locket. She took it out of the box and handed it over to me. She removed her current necklace and moved her hair to the side. "Do you mind?" she asked softly.

"Of course not." I replied smiling. I gently placed the locket around her neck and fastened the clasp together. She turns around and smiles. The locket sitting right below her collarbones and in the middle of her chest. "It looks really good on you Dans." I say looking at her. I notice the way her eyes light up and she takes the locket in her hand. "I left one side open so you can add a picture of your own as well." I say trying to hide the blush that had creeped onto my cheeks. I began to think about just how beautiful Danielle really was. I watched her open the locket once more and look at the photo inside. I had butterflies in my stomach as I watched her stare at the photo of her and her brother. I moved over closer to her, and I placed my hand on hers. I was not going to back away this time. I reached up and wiped a tear away with my thumb and I turned her face towards me. "Dans..." Before I could finish my sentence, she placed her lips softly onto mine. Her lips were soft, and the kiss was short but it sent a shock down my spine. She pulled away slowly looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry if that wasn't okay..." she says looking down at the ground.

"Dans that was perfect. I have been wanting to do that for weeks." I smile taking her hand. I kissed her again. this time I didn't pull away.

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