The lightbulb girl

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                       Danielle's Pov

I am face to face with the red blur that has been running around in Central City rescuing people. I knew he was real, but I never thought I would be this close to him. I notice how blue his eyes are and I can't help but feel like I have seen those before.

"Danielle I am here to help you" he says his voice vibrated so he could hide his identity. All at once the memories of where I was before this flood through my mind. Barry was trying to help me. What happened to him? Did I hurt him? I look up at the man in the red suit.

"Barry was with me at my apartment please tell me I didn't hurt him." I begin breathing heavily and I drop down to my knees.

"Barry is okay" The streak responds placing his hands on my shoulders. "I work with the team here at star labs. Barry sent out a distress alarm and I came and brought you here" he says trying to calm me down. It doesn't work. I begin to enter a full-blown panic attack. I began hyperventilating and the struggle to breathe got even harder.

"Where is he?" I managed to croak out

"He is on his way here now" the Streak responds. I manage to calm down long enough to explain myself to Cisco and Caitlin. The streak nods to me and then to them and in an instant he's gone.

"I am so sorry you guys" I tell them. "I was so scared, I should have trusted you guys." I walk over and sit in the med lab. Cisco walks out of the cortex and down the hall. Tears begin to fill my eyes.

"Dans it's okay. He will come around" Caitlin approaches her "we might need to run some tests to fully understand your powers and how to help you control them" she says softly.

"I figured as much" I say laying back onto the bed in the med lab.

After Caitlin finished gathering everything, she needed to run tests, Barry comes in. "Hey Danielle, how are you feeling?" He asks me while propping up on one of the machines in the lab.

"Really Barry? I almost kill you and you are asking me how I feel?" I look over to him looking for any hate or anger in his eyes.

"Danielle, everything is okay, you didn't mean too. and besides you left me unharmed" he lets out a small chuckle.

I look down and at the friendship bracelet that Cisco and I have running my fingers over the small braid. "You know Cisco won't even look at me" I say trying to fight back tears that are forming in my eyes.

"It will be okay Danielle; He just needs some time to process that his best friend is a Meta" Barry says walking over to sit in the chair beside the bed I was in. He was right. I had hidden this from everyone. Part of me was hoping the powers would just go away and then I could be normal again. I clear my throat and look over at Barry.

"Hey Barry, you know since we are friends you can call me Dani or Dans or something. The only person who ever said my full name was my parents and they lied to me my whole life so I would rather not think about that" I say with a small smile.

"Sure, thing Dansi" He laughs and places his hand on mine. I feel a small jolt of electricity, but I don't pull away. I look over to him and there's something about his eyes that I swear look so familiar...

Barry's pov

I sat with Danielle, and we talked until she fell asleep. I noticed that it was around 2 am so I decided to head home to get a couple hours of sleep before I had to be at work. I walked out of the med lab into the cortex and found Cisco sitting in front of his computer.

"What are you up to man?" I ask him while walking over to prop onto the desk in the cortex.

"I am looking at her DNA and It seems that she is basically like a human lightbulb. Only the temperatures some of her cells have reached is way higher than your average melting point." he says as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Wow that is incredible" I say looking at the information on the screen.

"I just wish she had told me; I mean I am her best friend. Well, I was..." He trails off.

"Cisco, she is worried sick that you won't look at her the same way anymore. She is the same Danielle you met when she was just a scared 16 year-old girl who moved here from Star City." I say as I place my hand on his shoulder.

He laughs softly and turns to me "We met in here, The cortex, right after I got the job working for Dr Wells. She is the smartest girl I have ever met." He looks over towards the med lab and then back to me. "I will talk to her when she wakes up" He smiles and walks towards the med lab to sit beside her bed to wait on her to wake up.

I run home and sit on the edge of the bed letting all of my thoughts of today's events swirl through my head. I knew it was going to be a burden, but the Flash had to be the one to teach her how to control her powers and maybe she could be a hero too.

Authors note: thank you to everyone that has made it this far! please vote and comment! let me know what you think so far!

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