Behind the mask

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1 month later Barry's Pov

"But you guys have never even mentioned his name" talking about the meta that attacked Wells in his own home.

Caitlin responds. "That's because Hartley had a... challenging personality."

"What she means is he was mostly a jerk, but every once in a while, he could be a dick." Cisco says firmly. Joe chuckles at his response.

"So, his family pretty much abandoned him? Because he came out?" I asked looking at the monitor where Hartley's photo was.

"He only got along with one person outside of myself" Dr. Wells says.

"Who?" I ask looking back at wells.

"Our lovely, Miss Danielle Raymond" Wells says looking up at Barry.

"She was the only one he even wanted to talk to." Cisco adds.

"Or maybe I too know what it was like to be abandoned by your family."

Everyone turned around and there stood Danielle. Standing in the doorway to the cortex. With several bags of food from Big Belly Burger.

"Dans, how much of that did you hear?" Barry asks unable to even look her in the eye.

"I heard enough to know that you have all been lying to be for months." she says harshly.

"Dani, we all wanted to tell you... we were waiting until we completed your training." Caitlin says softly.

"Really Cait? You of all people should know how I feel about being lied too!" Her voice raising. Caitlin looks away tears starting to form in her eyes. "And you.." she says pointing to Cisco. "Know me just as well." She sets the food down on the desk. "How long were you planning on stringing me along Barry? or should I say, The Flash?" She looks at me. I can see the hurt and anger in her eyes as she speaks.

"Dans, please. The one thing I have not lied about is how I feel about you." I say softly walking towards her. She takes a step back. "I care about you Dans."

"Barry, I have told you that I hate being lied too. I need time to think." she says turning to leave. "Oh, and Cait? here" she says throwing a file on the counter. "I guess we are even since I have kept this from you." with that she turns around and walks out of the cortex. Joe walks over placing a hand on Barry's shoulder.

"Give her some time Bare."

"Caitlin, what is that? What does it say?" Cisco asks.

"It's about Ronnie...she thinks he's still alive." Caitlin's voice catches.

I walk over to the desk and look over her shoulder to see the file. There was a photo of the so-called burning man. Iris had told me about a few tips she had received about a meta who could burst into flames.

"Do you think it really could be Ronnie Cait?" Cisco asks rubbing her back.

"Cisco Ronnie is Dead. She needs to accept that too." Cait says harshly.

Danielle's Pov

I was now sitting back in the lab at CCPD. Hopefully this would be the last place they would think to look for me. So, Barry was The Flash. He had been keeping it from me for months. I soon noticed a presence in the lab with me and I turned to look to see who it was. It was none other than Oliver Queen.

"Hey Dani." He said offering me a soft smile.

"Let me guess, The Flash came and got you." I say a little to harshly.

"Barry did yes." he says walking over to my desk.

"You knew too Ollie?" I say shocked.

"Yes, and before you ask me why I did not tell you. Just know it was not my secret to tell Dans." he says reaching my desk and putting his hand on my shoulder.

"He lied to me Ollie, for months. He was training me as the flash and dating me as Barry." I say as my voice cracks with emotion. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I began sobbing while Oliver held me and rubbed small circles on my back. "Shh Dans everything will be okay." Just then someone cleared their throat behind us, and I looked to see my old friend Hartley standing there.

"Wow Danielle, I knew you said you were close to Oliver, but I guess you weren't kidding." he chuckles.

"Hartley? It has been a while since I have seen you." I say wiping my face and walking over to him. "Ollie, I will call you later, thanks again." Oliver gives a small nod and walks away. "I will be at your apartment Dans." He makes his way out of the lab and down the steps. I should have told him to stay. Something with Hartley didn't seem right. I felt like everything was a little off. After about 10 minutes of awkward silence, I approached him.

"So, Hartley what have you been up to?" I ask looking at my friend.

"Oh, nothing really, just enjoying being a meta criminal." He smiles and grabs me by the arm leading me out of the lab.

"Hartley? What is going on?" I ask unable to undo the grip he had on my arm.

"Don't take it personal Danielle, I am doing this to get back at Wells, Cisco, Caitlin and more importantly the flash." He says his voice dripping with venom. "Do not say a word or make any noise or I will level this building." I nodded in compliance and walked with him outside. I didn't know where he was taking me but pretty soon, he put me in his car and took me to an apartment building way outside of the city.

Once we were inside, he tied me to a chair.

"Let's hope for your sake I come back" He laughs as he heads out the door.

After I was sure he was gone I looked around for anything that could help me. I was stuck. I had no idea where I
was. I had no way of contacting really anyone. Oliver would be the only one who could figure out something was wrong.

Well, I really did it this time.

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