I won't let it happen.

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You followed the boys into another hallway. This one was lit with candles and wasn't nearly as long as the one you were just in. You walked into a room that looked like a livingroom. A guy who had black hair, a white bloody hoodie and no eyelids were on the floor fighting with a girl with black hair, black eyes and a black dress. "Jane! Jeff!" Toby yells and pulls them apart. Jane sits on the ground as Jeff tries calming himself and sits on the couch. "Now, before I have to bring Slender in here, this is (Y/N). She is one of us for now. Whether she stays here for now, we wouldn't know." Toby says. "This is the fourth one already." Jeff says, taking a sip of vodka. "Yeah, well, Slenderman wants a new proxie. We don't even know if she turns out to be a proxie. She's family for now. Treat her like one." Masky says, looking at both Jeff and Jane. Jane stands and hold a hand out to you. "Jane." She says and you accept the shake. "(Y/N)." You say and force a smile, hoping you aren't the next one getting your ass kicked. "A new playmate, I see." Jeff says, grinning at Jane. "Shut up, guys." Masky says, walking to the next room. "Before I bring Slenderman in here."
You walk into the kitchen. Behind the counter, the fridge is open and you hear things breaking against the floor. "Woops!" A little girl yells. You walk behind the counter to see a little girl with blonde hair and blood going down her face from her forehead, which, her hair is hiding. She quickly.turns to the boys and you. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" She yells, looking at the boys. Masky and Toby giggle and Hoodie walk up to her and kneels and whispers something to her and she giggles. He whispers again and she points up at the top shelf. "Berries!' She yells with a smile. Hoodie grabs the blue berries front the top of the fridge and gives it to the little girl. "Sally, this is (Y/N)." Masky tells sally. She lies the berries on the counter and comes over to you and hugs your leg. You smile and kneel. "Hello, sally. I'm new here." You tell her. "Yay! A new friend!" She yells and hugs you. 'I'm definitely going to die.' You remember telling yourself. 'I can't get too close.' You tell yourself. You pull away from Sally. I have to go Sally. I'll see you later, okay?" You ask her. She nods and hugs you and runs to another room. You stand and look at the boys. Masky and Toby go into the next room and Hoodie waits for you. "You pulled away quickly." He says. You look at him, shocked he speaked. "Why?" He asks. "I don't want to get attached. I have a high possibility I'm going to get killed." You answer. He stops walking and looks at you."I won't let it happen." He says. You smile. "Now, come on." He says and walks into the next room. You follow.

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