Thank you, Sir.

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You sat on the ground of the Slender Woods. 'I have to fight in these woods. I have to kill in these woods. Will I be able to do it? Will I be able to become a proxy? A Creepypasta?' You thought to yourself. You had a set of daggers and through one. It hit the middle of a tree. This shocked you. 'Maybe a fluke.' You thought. You through the second dagger. Hit the middle of the tree. "Holy shit." You said and walked to the tree and grabbed the knives. You walked at least three more feet away from the tree than you did before. You were now about 6 feet away from the tree. You held your knife in position and through it. It hit the middle of the tree. You bit your lip. "Impossible." You said to yourself. You through the second one. Right on target. You heard something behind you. You quickly turned. It was Slendy. "Hello, little one." He said through minds. "Hello, Slenderman." You replied. He faced the tree with knives as if he was looking at the knives. "I watched you." He said and faced toward you. "I um...I didn't..." you tried piecing words together but even you were confused. "You're ready. Grab your knives." He commanded. You ran to the knives, grabbed them and ran back to Slendy. "What am I ready for, exactly?" You asked. "You..." he started. You listened closely as you and him walked to the mansion. "You are ready to become my proxy." He said. You smiled greatly. "I am?" You asked. "Yes." He replied. You hugged him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You said, excitedly. You then, stepped away quickly and faced him. "I mean..." you said and cleared your throat. "Thank you, Sir." You said more perfessionally. He laughed quietly in his mind. "Alright, child. Go now." He said and teleported out. You smiled and bit your lip. "Yes!" You yelled.

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