Introduce yourself.

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You walk in your room. 'What do they expect me to wear?' You ask yourself. You look in the top drawer. There was all sorts of girl's under clothing. Second drawer: teeshirts and tank tops. Third drawer: Skinny Jeans. 'At least they have good taste.' You think and smile. You go over to the closet. There was tons of hoodies and dresses of all sorts and all colors. "Maybe a dress for my first dinner here?" You ask yourself out loud and smile. 'What dress?' You think. There's a black dress that has thin fabric sleeves and the skirt is loose and the top is plain. You nod and grab it. You change into it and look back in the closet. There was rows and rows of girls shoes on the floor of the closet. You choose the black sandles. You go downstairs and forget where the dining room is. You walk to the kitchen where you find an eyeless boy. He scared you. "Ah, you must be (Y/N). The new girl." He says. You nod. "You don't look like you'll turn out as a proxy. I guess that's for Slendy to decide though." He says again and sighs. Your speechless. "You're a shy little one. Lost?" He asks and you nod. "Dinner I suppose?" He asks. You nod again. "You didn't have to get dressed up you know." He says with and laughs. "Come on little one. Dining room is this way." He says and walks out. You follow.
You walk into a huge room with a long table full of food and drinks. All sorts. There was chicken, vegetables, waffles, cheesecake...kidneys? You let out a small gag. You stop walking. The eyeless boy looks back at you. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks, walking up to you. You slowly back up. "W-Who are you people?" You ask, slowly backing up while this eyeless boy stops. "We're phycopathic killers. Some of us are less phyco than the others. I eat kidneys. I kill for kidneys. Slenderman has his woods and his proxys kill whoever enters. Jeff kills people and rapes some. Jane tries killing his victims before he does. Sally doesn't do much but she's immortal; as am I." He starts to explain. "I-Imortal?" You ask, shocked. "Yes. I am, Slendy is, Sally is." He explains. "Who isn't?" You ask. "Jeff, Jane, the proxies..." "What about the dog?" You ask, looking at the red dog with a huge, creepy smile. "Not sure." He says. You look at the eyeless boy. "Who are you?" You ask. "I'm eyeless jack. I kill for kideneys. I survive on kidneys..." "How'd you start?" You ask, interupting him. "My dad..." he started. He cleared his throat. "I wanted to go to college. Be a doctor. Have a life. Be normal." He starts. You slowly walk closer. Black fluid dripped from his eye sockets. "I got bullied. My dad ate my kidneys. Thats all I remember..." he finished, black fluid drained down his mask. He must be crying. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't of..." you started. "The better you know us all, the better you fit in." He says. He wipes all the liquid off of his face. "During dinner, I'll let everyone introduce themselves." He says. You nod.
Everyone sits at the table. Everyone eats but me, Hoodie and Slenderman. "Hello, Children." Slendy says to our minds. They all look at him. "We have a newcomer." He says. They all look at you. "(Y/N)." He says. "We're all going to explain ourselves." He says. "Jeff?" He asks, looking at Jeff. He sighs and looks at you. "I'm always first." He mumbles. "I'm Jeff..." he says. Slenderman looks at him. "I killed a bully. My brother stood up for me. He went to jail. The police found out it was me but I was using self protection. I ended up killing my parents and my brother." He says. "How...your face...?" You ask. "Beautiful, isn't it? I made it myself." He says. "Jane." Slendy says. She automatically frowns. "I'm here because of this asshole. Because I saved his ass." She says, giving Jeff a hateful look. He laughs and shrugs. "I saved him while he burned. Me and my parents were supposed to have dinner at his place. I knew he was crazy. While I went in, he tied me on a chair and caught me on fire. I'm ugly. He fucked up his "beautiful" look." She finishes. "Toby?" Slendy asks.
We finish dinner. "Well, get cleaned up child. Get to bed. You have training tomorrow." He says. You nod and head upstairs to shower.

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