Oh my god.

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•(Y/F/N)-Your full name
You woke up. You smiled as you remembered last night. You bit your lip. You stood and went to your bathroom. You turned on the water to the shower and got in.
You went downstairs and opened the cabinets. There was Cheerios cereal and you reached for it. You had a grip on it but accidentally dropped it and it made a huge mess on the counter and floor. Your step-father came in. "What'd you do?" He asked. "I accidently dropped the cereal." You said, quietly. "What have I said about the mumbling?" He asked, a little mad. "Already yelling at me, huh?" You asked. "You know, you are so spoiled. Your father always got you what you wanted before he..." "You don't dare talk about my dad." You cocked back. "You're lucky you're with mom. She'd leave you in a heartbeat if she knew how you treated me." You continued. "You know, (Y/N), if she knew who you really were, she'd leave you first." He said. "And who am I, exactly?" You asked. "A sick, tired little dog that was once given all the treats in the world as a puppy and now that the dog isn't given anymore treats, she's whining and running away. She misses home so she comes home, giving everyone fake tears." He explained. "Yeah? You mustn't know who anyone is, including yourself." You bit back. "Who am I, then?" He asked. "A wannabe replacement that has failed." You said, crossing your arms. "How have I failed?" He asked. "Dad had a job. He fought to keep food in the house while mom was sick. She got better and he died. You wanted to be a wannabe replacement. You sit on your ass all day and do nothing but watch TV all day! You failed you wannabe!" You yelled. "You spoiled little brat!" He yelled back. "You're the spoiled one!" You yelled. "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Fine." "Fine?" You asked. "Yeah, get out of my house." He said. "Your? My daddy bought this." You said. "Mine now, Get out." He said. "You clean the food then." "Your mother will get that." "Spoiled asshole." You said and stormed out to the woods.
You sat in the middle of the woods for at least 2 hours now. You're lost. You look around and hear nothing but chirps. You pick up a stick and snap it to pieces to calm yourself.
Your phone ringed. You checked it.

Adam (step-father):
Get your ass home, now. You're mother is on her way home.
Better explain to her that you kicked me out and I'm not coming home.
(Y/F/N), get home. Now.
I don't have a home anymore.
You have our phone. Gonna pay that, then?
Nope, I don't have a phone anymore either. Bye.

You sent your last text and slammed your phone against a tree so hard it broke. You picked it up. One side of the phone was working. You went over to a small stream about 5 to 6 inches deep and sat the phone inside and walked away.
You've walked for about 15 minutes now. You have no idea where you are and you're in the middle of nowhere. You sat down on a log. About 5 minutes sitting on a log, you heard a branch break behind you. You quickly look back. You gasped and stood. "Oh my god." You said and stepped backward slowly.

Hoodie X reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now