The rake.

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"Oh my god." You said and stepped backward slowly. This was a huge creature that had no hair at all and had huge claws. You turned and started running. You looked behind you and he was chasing you. You looked back forward and hit a tree. Hard. Then, you passed out cold.
You wake in an unfamiliar place. You're in a bed. You look around. 'Where am I?' You think to yourself. Hoodie comes in. You grin the biggest grin. He sits beside you in the bed. You hug him. "Are you okay?" He asks. You nod. "I am now." You say, smiling. He hugs back even tighter. "How'd I get here?" You ask. "The rake found you in the woods and brought you here. Slendy saw him about to kill you and brought you to me." He said. You rubbed your head. It was wrapped up. "Ow..." you complained. He kissed your head. "Its not bad. It'll heal." He said. You smiled and blushed. You looked at him. He kissed your lips gently.

Hoodie X reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now